“In this exciting and unpredictable presidential primary season that you knuckle dragging mouth breathers can’t seem to get fucking enough of, we’re going to get rid of any shows that had merit, and replace them with more talking head vacuous, bullshit.”
So this is about ...what?...heritage?...patriotism? Because after all, what's more patriotic than secession on the basis of white supremacy? Yes, I said WHITE SUPREMACY. You can't ignore the truth forever.
Can we just turn it into a horror movie, please
That’s...a stretch. It IS extremely funky, but the beat is slower and the melody and hook are completely different.
Said this before, saying it again. The fact that Demi is using Kesha’s sexual assault to shade Taylor Swift and continue a feud in her own self-interest is rediculous and not in the best interest of the victim, as it should be.
One time, my friend’s brother’s cousin’s neighbor’s sister’s stepdaughter’s boyfriend was walking by a park wearing a baseball cap, and the next thing you know, he was captured, forced to play short stop for six months, and then won the World Series.
wasn’t that analogy just utter bollocks though
Nevermind being stalked when you’re not famous... the cops are even less likely to take you seriously.
You monster. Just for that, I’m taking a hat off of a cat.
I don’t know why my future children should get a better world than mine. Like eff them! What did those assholes ever do for me???
Of course there was a conspiracy. Horcruxes don’t find themselves.
I was listening to College Drop Out yesterday and I found it really bizarre how poignant he can be in his writing but so incredibly stupid in his “real” life.
It’s really scary when you realize Kim Kardashian is the smart one in that relationship.
Yeah I’m Team Taylor on this one. Given the astronomical size of Kanye’s ego, I highly doubt he called Taylor Swift to “clear” anything with her before releasing it. That’s almost laughable in how unlikely it is. It’s also hilarious that he thinks he made her famous - exhibit 1,792 of his over-inflated ego.
I don’t understand the heavy dislike of Ron either. Harry was a cartoon caricature of melodramatic self indulgent teenager for a whole book.
The irony of these self righteous, deluded , faux liberals and Allies to the downtrodden, and brave white voices of social justice literally wiping their asses with money, is, well, pretty ironic.
Rich people are absurd.