
I wonder how many will end up in lakes..

Apple gains nothing from this. They think they are hurting Google - the only folks they are hurting are the folks who upgraded to iOS6 or bought a device with iOS6. Google will have an iOS6 app well before Apple can sort out this garbage. Sure it sent Google scrambling, but they can release a reduced functionality

That collision crumpled and tore pretty thick metal for at least 60 feet in length (use the guys standing on the deck for scale). Also, it looks like there was some damage below the waterline (notice the pump in the 2nd picture). This was not a glancing blow - these ships are designed to take some abuse. It looks

it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire...

To take things completely out of context.. Mario said " it's hard not to get a little bit excited about every inch"....

OMG - I couldn't even finish reading the ebay listing. I am literally in tears and my wife thinks I have lost my mind! This is perhaps one of the funniest things I have seen in a really long time!

Controls that allow you to override individual app permissions. For example - I don't want my GPS activated every time I open Facebook. How about the ability to limit the amount of bandwidth an application is allotted. I just uninstalled Scramble because their damn ads ate about 300MB of my data plan. These things

How true. I was thinking the same thing when I posted the comment, but felt it had to be done after I was suckered into reading this crap. I see you fell into the same crap trap :)

Sorry, the title of this article has no relation to the content.

I wonder if you can get rid of the stupid tiles and just use the regular Windows interface. I downloaded the eval version of 8 and couldn't stand the tiles (if you couldn't already tell). I guess I just don't get them.

Apple would never build such a specialized machine.

It does but it doesn't change the fact he tried to shove a phone or remote up his ass.

1:11 Is he trying to shove a phone up his ass?

With these types of products, you really have to buy what you think you will need in 2-3 years. it is a shame that you upgrade the damn things. This type of configuration works well for MBAirs, but I just don't see its place in a professional line.

At first glance, I read the title as "iOS 6, Summer of Suck, Venus Transit, Free Xbox Live and More…"

yeah - it was still funny though.

Now playing

They really need to add a scare screen to the end of this video.

I wanna set a Heather on my Johnson and just start spinnin' her around like a goddamn pinwheel.

Sounds like they were caught with their pants down in the bait bus...

I can see how women are opposed to it. I just don't think it is as bad as people are making it. I guess I am just old and in the way and have the viewpoint that human anatomy is just that and we unnecessarily make a big deal about keeping it private.