
I guess it boils down to whether there is state funding involved. There are a lot of bad doctors out there and a lot of women that are willing to lie. How can you tell how far along a 400lb woman is? If they are trying to measure gestational age, then that is the best method. At least women have a choice...

Alright - I just dated myself.

Sure - okay. Having been through five pregnancies with my wife, and going to most of the ultrasounds, this isn't really a big deal.

Are you kidding me Giz? Okay - let me get this straight.. People who want a doctor to remove a fetus from their body through the vagina but are complaining about a wand stuck in their hoo hoo? Ever stop to think that this is for their safety?

You are correct - I misread the report. I saw it as profit, not revenue. Personally, I don't want our government creating anything - that isn't capitalism, it is socialism. I don't really want to get into politics, but it doesn't seem that the the most recent attempt at an infrastructure program by our government

Moe's Blows

So he is left with a snail trail on his finger. hmmm...

So this is why Newt wants to build a base on the moon.

That's pretty cool - I didn't realize Thunderbolt was that powerful and had so much potential. Guess I have been living under a rock..

No offense, I am not sure you are understanding my point. With the amount of extra cash they have on hand, they have plenty to invest in the infrastructure here in the U.S. I think it is abhorrent that they continue to outsource. The clearly are purchasing their suppliers as to have even more control.

With the abandonment of flash for Android and the wider use if HTML5, all I am really waiting for now is iPad3. They just have to wait a few ore months so all of those folks who got iPads for Christmas don't feel ripped off..

I was hoping for more. :(

Big deal - just sign out of Google if you are worried. I never stay logged into Google or Facebook - otherwise, I start noticing really targeted ads. For example I will be reading a story on CNN about the economy and the exact marine transducer I was looking at several days ago automagically appears in the middle of

I know - the NYT article goes into it all quite in depth - even quoting Steve Jobs "those jobs aren't coming back". It is a good read and I understand the points.

_Stormin Sat 21 Jan 2012 11:46 AM

Go find another thread to call someone else a troll.

How about I take my balls and smack them across your nose, tool.

Inspiring an insightful, educated spirited conversation is not a troll. How many times to do you call people trolls? The fact that you would even post that suggests that you are a troll yourself. #dork

Fuck off bitch. How about we outsource your pimple ridden ass to China! #dork

I read that article the other day - then they came out with the report that they made something like $1 billion a week in profit. You would think they could spend some of that to bring some of the jobs back home. That is just excessive. I know it is capitalism, but really - they could afford to do this.