How does the exhaust not cook the inner thigh?
How does the exhaust not cook the inner thigh?
I used to do this when I had to wear proper office attire. Now I can’t remember the last time I had to wear a button up shirt that wasn’t for a wedding.
Clearly you’ve never met or had to deal with one of these people. They spend all their time complaining about the city/state but when you ask why they stay if they’re so miserable they either get all pissy and walk away or come up with a million reasons why which usually is a long list of why NO sucks.
In fairness, that’s largely because they’re Katrina transplants that won’t leave
I heard and still hear that garbage argument. Tvs still used as an example
I can’t say in those terms since I have a small business and word of mouth is huge. Usually I just say I don’t have any availability during that time.
So right. Sometimes people have money because they don’t spend any or complain until they get a discount.
So I’ve known a couple people who’ve inadvertently chopped up some kitties in the engine bay. Pretty gruesome.
I’ve always heard dropping a baby enacts the 5 second rule like with food
This car was cool once
I still can’t comprehend how a person can ruin a company, get fired, and then get more money out of the company they ruined.
All the good people know to stay out of politics
You should remember that all thes non politician business people appointments/hires come from the business world where they all think they’re top dog and can’t fail.
It’s like going to a buffet and getting a little of everything instead of picking out a cohesive meal
When Trump didn’t pay taxes on his casinos he got a tax break and dinner with the governor. So, yes
Jalopnik had a story a while back about a new neighborhood trying to get a race track shut down because they thought it was too loud. They built a neighborhood near a track. The track operates within legal time frames and noise levels. Rich entitled assholes want it shut down.
So you heard that people were harming other people but chose to do nothing? You are just as culpable. Every victim of Cosby or Kelly is a direct result of you doing nothing once you heard the rumors. “Blogger” is too good of a term for you. A journalist would’ve investigated. A blogger would’ve written a post. You did…
Oh man. I haven’t seen this in ages
I don’t understand how anyone can pay Chris Evans to open his mouth. He’s like the guy from Dilbert that’s always yelling.