
Notice how the Kardashians spend a lot of time in the Middle East?

This is just like their Rover post from this weekend. Reads just like an ad but is supposedly not sponsored.

I found a turtle today

My mom had us young. I had to endure all the hot mom jokes when she’d drop me off at school in the morning. When she picked me up from a friend’s house after we worked on school stuff, my friend’s sister’s softball team was there. Half stopped what they were doing and just stared. One said “I didn’t know you had a

My parents have suggested we go to the courthouse or elope. We have no desire to plan a wedding

This is what I don’t get. Wouldn’t it be better to put that money into a bad ass honeymoon or a considerable down payment on a home? Or savings/investment? I know several people who’ve spent around that much and they all act like “well, that’s just how much these things cost. We’ll have it paid off in 5+ years.”

I’ve been going to people’s homes to take care of dogs for nearly a decade. I’d never in home board (mostly because it’s not legal but there’s a whole host of other issues). I took care of someone’s dogs once. Just before she left she said “oh yeah, there will be a friend’s dog there too. Don’t worry, he’s friendly

If the person is a professional, like myself, they know how to deal with dogs like that. Also, many people think they’re dog will react like that and they don’t at all.

I’ve only recently learned of Rover but have known about dog vacay because I know people who did it. They were all promptly sent cease and desist letters from the county. In home boarding isn’t legal around me and not anywhere in my state that I’m aware of. People still do it of course. I’m not ok with risking having

Not the intersection but the street is funny

It’s interesting everyone keeps jumping to Camry. It’s like the only two vehicles anyone can buy are either an Alfa or Camry. It’s like there’s no other vehicles in existence.

These things were basically useless off road. I base all of that off this one story of semi personal experience. In high school we had a group of guys that would all go off roading and mudding and whatnot on a semi regular basis. Trucks ranged from stock except tires to pretty modified. Dad of one of these kids bought

I fortunately only saw one of these things ever. It was driven by a very small lady and if I remember correctly it had one of the local super expensive private school stickers on it.

I’ve only seen 3 since the hat event started.

I always took “clap back” and the like came from when people use clapping while arguing as if making more noise while punctuating words makes the argument stronger

All your arguments are invalid. Girls is fucking awful

No joke. I had to explain what fuel line was to a guy. He just stared at me.

I worked to get scholarships and stayed in state. I still had to work through college but was fortunate to only have to borrow less than $8k in federal loans. I didn’t get help or have things paid for by parents like most of my friends so I definitely missed out on a lot of “the college experience”.

Made it through a record breaking heat wave one summer in my truck with no AC. Windows down, gallon of water, and some Powerade (buy one get one free). It sucked.

Judging from what I’ve seen on the highways from commuting I’d say: