
Gwinnett cops are dicks. Not just this instance. They love writing tickets for everything. It’s all about the revenue.

I went for the first time since I was a kid, recently. It was awesome.

Clearly you’re only familiar with these in pictures. When you’re actually driving or riding in the car the screen blends in to the dash in your vision. It’s only an issue in pictures

If only they had unionized

It’s the internet. So, yes

Is it a dumb solution? Has anyone actually tried to get her to give a cop a Pepsi during some sort of protest? Maybe it does work

No one. I was just comparing because of your comment. They had to make these ads to get people to notice them. The whole “sex sells” to the literal. Reminds me of some “celebrities” and politicians that lack substance so they go for the outlandish.

Not sure how this is any different than American Apparel or A&F back in the day

It’s illegal to use your phone while driving in Georgia except to make a phone call. However, instead of going after the people using their phones while driving and actually endangering people, most areas just set up on red lights and ticket people using their phones while stopped at the light. They go after the

I remember a similar story posted last year by a different author. The conclusion was very different and very wrong

Maybe it’ll look better as a cube?

Well, furniture in a house doesn’t affect the value of a house if you’re referring to foreclosure. But wheels affect the value of the vehicle. That’s why if you look up a value calculator for your car it’ll ask about wheels.

As far as I know that service didn’t exist when I worked there. But my guess is that’s covered in the rental agreement.

*sex frog

I have a 2015 Mazda 3. I can set when to do oil changes and tire rotations. The rest I would have to either visually inspect or refer to the manual. Or, dealership servicing. I’ve looked in the manual for a few things in the past and the interval says to check every XX k miles and replace/fill/whatever as needed. So

Yeah. Speaking of which, need to check my owner’s manual bc I think I’m due for some fluid changes....

There are always exceptions. There are a ton of reasons people don’t/can’t pay. But, even people who can pay for their cars don’t necessarily take good care of them either.

Very good point.

I don’t understand people

I chime in on this from time to time when repos come up. My parents used to work for a couple repo companies and I would part time during the summer with them. My main job was to inventory all the stuff in the cars and put that stuff into storage until it was recovered or time expired and it could be