A cheap to buy and maintain, reliable, AMG Merc
A cheap to buy and maintain, reliable, AMG Merc
Who do you want to win the Super Bowl?
Reaffirms my desire for a Lexus. Unless I start making stupid money, Lexus is the way to go for luxury cars. The Germans just can’t compare for reliability.
Night and day with those two articles.
Focus groups are fun. I was part of one. I’d love to do more. I’d really love to be one of the “real people” on a chevy commercial. Pretty sure for those they get people who’ve never seen a car before or been in a car newer than a 1995 dodge neon.
I find this fascinating. I’m sorry if it causes you trouble. Thanks for sharing.
The real definition or the new one? I think the new definition is anything Trump and his disciples disagree with.
I like the baby jag look. The 124 just looks off to me. It makes sense since they’re basically putting their look on a body not meant for it entirely.
Someone’s hitting the sauce early to think the 124 is better looking than the Miata. ;)
Very good point. My friend almost got charged with battery for grabbing someone’s phone and touching that persons hand in the process. If he had just touched the phone, no charge possible. No charges were filed after the full story came to light. However, this dude admits to grabbing a little boy and nothing happens?…
I’ve had a mixed bag. When I was doing work on my truck at my parents’ I went to advanced auto parts with a list because it was closest. I gave up quickly when the guy at the counter got confused by fuel hose/line. He had to get a manager to help. Went to autozone a few miles down the road and got everything I needed,…
I have a ‘79 F150 because my mom has this same thought process. I wasn’t allowed to have a car. Had to be a truck or SUV. 16 years later and I still have it.
My aunt got into an argument with my mom over this. My aunt is in the “I can drive in whatever lane I want at whatever speed I want” camp. It got very heated and my mom just gave up and walked away.
With the help of a little blue pill and copious bottles of piss
Tiny crowds to fill his tiny hands
I’m in the greys so no one will see this, but.....
I would put GA Tech sports at the bottom. I’ve only met one person ever who actually cared beyond UGA vs Tech match ups.