I think you mean all enthusiasts/internet commenters
I think you mean all enthusiasts/internet commenters
Sounds about right. Similar experience in a civic.
I did a paper on furries in college. Furry does not equal furry porn. Common misconception. Furry is more about adopting a “fursona” and being a character of sorts. It’s more than that but that’s the boiled down version.
You’re probably right. Something smells fishy
DUI arrests and tickets give them more money than some sort of failure to yield ticket would. To most police, citizens are cash registers first and foremost.
While I don’t feel bad for him, I do think VW needs to buy back his car as is ASAP. If an attorney wants to have some fun they could take up his case for postponing the buyback. He’s within the letter of the agreement VW made. If they didn’t want this as a possibility then their lawyers should have written it in.…
A couple of summers ago I saw one where the person swapped out all the badges to Opel.
Eh, Georgia Tech has been in the news a lot this year for their lack of investigating. It boils down to one person and who they believe more. One case, kid was expelled after the investigator refused to interview witnesses to the event and instead interviewed friends of the alleged victim who were not present and went…
My POS (not piece of s**t) plan isn’t around anymore and I had to switch to HMO unfortunately. I’ve heard all sorts of prices for people but never in the 4+ figures/month
I’m self employed. Have been for years. My rates went up a little but I’m still under $300/month for silver tier. No government assistance.
What plan did you sign up with? I’ve never heard of that high for a family of 3.
As a long time Comcast sufferer: f**k Comcast and everyone that works for that horrid company.
I’ve been chased twice. It’s not fun
VWs don’t have issues? Wow, tell that to the people I know that were misinformed enough to buy one new and all but one got rid of them before the warranty was up because they got tired of spending almost as much time in loaners as their own car.
I don’t see rusted mazdas at all. But we’ve discussed this before.
MOE gets a massive boner from hating Mazda. If I remember correctly he lives in Canada where old mazdas used to rust pretty quickly into their lifespan. He comes running in with a pitchfork and fire balls whenever someone starts talking about Mazda.
The only thing dangerously slow to merge are those a-holes in stanced cars that can’t seem to get above 40 while merging on to 85
Yeah. Same boat. Who wants to be called the N word by a 12 y/o for refusing to battle or trade?
It already looks dated from mid 00's body kit craze