
I’m in a similar boat and may have said something similar in other comments about the new civics and variants.

The more you look at it or the more you drink while looking at it?

Bought my Mazda 3 new with a manual


The first one I saw was being loaded onto a flatbed truck, dead. It still had the new car dealer tags on and a very angry woman yelling into her phone. I wanted to take a picture but feared the woman seeing me.

But that’s a Great Dane.....

I rarely use anything other than the steering controls for my Mazda. I only use the knob to switch from radio to my phone for music/podcasts or the volume button for a quick mute. I’ve never used the touch ability except when I first got it to play around. I hate the fingerprint smudges.

Lost a car to a deer that jumped over a guard rail into my car. Former roommate lost a car in a similar fashion near the same stretch of road a couple years prior. It sucks. His car was totaled and unable to move after. Since mine was still airborne when it hit I was able to drive it home and sell it on craigslist to

Had a friend in high school with a 2nd gen eclipse. He eventually sold it for something more reliable: a mid to late 90s Jeep Cherokee.

Calling them C list is a bit generous

I’ve had my truck for 16 years. It’s no longer my daily driver but I can’t imagine ever not having it.

Let’s be honest, even if it weren’t for the F&F crowd, most DSM cars would be dead anyway

I forgot about neopets. I made an account when it was new. Played a bunch over summer. Promptly forgot about it when school started back. I think I had a fire tiger or dragon or something

Yesterday in heavy (for the particular road) traffic this obnoxious frat boy in a V6 mustang (looked to be a 2014 model) kept trying to show off. He had a terrible eBay exhaust that made it sound like a 90s Honda at higher RPM. When stopped, he just revved. When traffic would start going he’d leave a big gap and then

I’m with you. No way he gives in in any way. Even if he saw every single person the country vote with his own eyes he’d still try to find a way to say things were rigged.

That’s responsible consumer reporting effort. Really, someone should’ve paid you for your time.

So wait. Is he standing up for christians and their values or is he a flawed man but “at least he’s not Hillary”?

I would ask to test drive everything. Take all day if needed if someone pulled that crap on me

I was having a similar conversation the other day but it was referencing bullying instead of racism and anonymity online making it so easy for people to harass without consequences. I wish there was a way to out these people. I think a lot is just people trying to get attention even if it’s negative (like a toddler).

If there were only one then this post wouldn’t exist in the first place.