
It's hard to tell for sure from the video and top pic but that puppy looks too young to be separated from its mother. It's definitely too young to be left in a car. That b**ch needs all her dogs taken since she's clearly too stupid to care for one properly.

What if she was riding on the sidewalk and then popped out into the street to turn right and assumed the truck was continuing north? I don’t know about in Illinois but in my state riding a bike on the sidewalk is illegal but I see people do it all the time. I’ve seen people hop up on the sidewalk from the street to

It’s pretty hard to follow this thread on mobile.

Yeah. That's bad if that's the case

Depends on what they mean by boyfriend. When I was in middle school (not 12, maybe 13/14) I had a “girlfriend”. We hugged, sometimes held hands, and passed notes between classes.

Clearly he falls into the Walker camp where the car is always at fault. Just like her moronic post about pedestrians on their phones being hit.

You’re just flat out wrong. In my state the person who rear ends another is automatically at fault and is cited unless they have witnesses who will attest that you were more than 300 (I think) feet behind the other car and tried to stop in time.

So he's taking the Bieber defense: I'm young and dumb but I promise I'll do better. And then goes around finding more ways to be a prick.

You know that's what he was really doing. Dumb luck saved his ass. No skill involved. Now he's gonna drive around thinking he's superman.

Yeah. Looked like he was pushing too hard/braking too late out of fear he might get passed by an “inferior” car.

Yeah. I can't imagine they're switching drive layouts for the corvette. I think it's a totally different car and the normal corvette and its variants will continue on.

I think that's more probable than a new corvette or spinning off the corvette to be its own brand.

Maybe. SRT as a brand failed. Fuel economy standards are an issue as well.

That may work but I think that’d muddle the Corvette brand.

I agree. Combined with what I read previously where it would start at $80k, unlike the Corvette, I think they'd be shooting themselves in the foot. It'd have to be a different model at that point.

But the SRT brand didn’t work out so well.

Can it still be called a corvette if it switches to mid engine? At that point it's a totally different class and style of car.

To be more specific: the grille matched with the giant air catchers to the side

Actually you can know everything you need to know about a car and where it’s going without knowing its history. It is what it is completely separate from what the model used to be.

I think silver would be a little cliche. When I think Mercedes I think three colors in this order: silver, champagne, and black.