
I normally like my cars more subtle but I like it. Not crazy about the grille but overall I like it.

First: why does she have to include anything more about a S Class when she’s writing about the E Class? She said typically with Mercedes new tech starts with the S and then works it’s way down the model range over time. That’s all that needs to be said. We don’t need a history lesson on S Class tech in a review for an

Great write up. Look forward to more.

Well, I should've said better programs. That's one of the big issues of prison work programs: they take jobs away from non criminals.

They used to do it through labor like roadworks but that has its own host of issues.

Could be bubba the prison guard. I don’t know the stats but I think I’ve heard rape of female inmates from guards is pretty high.

Those people piss me off to no end.

Actually, I see people vape on the highway with their windows up at least once a week. That or they have it a tiny crack that is basically useless for expelling the vape cloud.

So, if I remember correctly she said no because his penis is too small. I remember hearing an interview on the radio with him promoting a documentary about him and others with micro penises.

I haven't seen that video in so long.

Cheap and Italian put together do not inspire confidence.

Years ago, local news did a report about someone driving off in the wrong Camry. They even showed the keys working on both cars

Somewhat related: I had a client that had an aunt that did that for an OEM. I think it was GM. Client had either ads or press materials framed showing her aunt testing out different interior parts. The gist of all of them were “we take women into consideration when we build our cars”.

I can beat that. I introduced myself to someone on two different occasions like I had not met them even though I had met them at least twice before. Justin a totally forgettable person.

Why the gloves? Is this one of those lead paint recall pictures?

So many mustang jokes went through my head while watching the video. Your picture is better.

Poor Jeff

He would like that joke.

I’ve gotten several calls over the years “hey, you still have your truck?” (They would know if they spoke to me more often than to call to see if I can help them move something)

If they saved money they probably wouldn't have to keep letting talented people go and hire new people that don't get that you can't live off $50k a year in NY