Content and/or accuracy seems to be of less importance here now that they only have 15% of the readership they once did. #gripe
Content and/or accuracy seems to be of less importance here now that they only have 15% of the readership they once did. #gripe
A similar hardware setup debuted on thinkgeek the other day... over twice as much in price but basically the same idea, includes physical controls. From what I can see, it might actually kinda not suck.
Netflix, Hulu, Joost et al. will only spell the doom of physical media when they can reliably provide/stream an image of equivalent quality to physical media, e.g., 1080i resolution - and that will require a more robust network, at least here in the US. I spend 95% of my viewing time on on one online service or…
Now that's it's officially in the Oxford English Language Dictionary, I can say this without reservation:
I didn't use the phrase "begs the question"... I said "begs 3 questions".
OK, I'm not a bike rider, but it begs 3 questions for us uninformed laypeople out here:
Mac the Ripper is awesome, though the method of getting the current version of the app is a bit on the sketchy side...
Autotuned hip-hop remix version in 3-2-1....
Yup. Sure did.
Thanks. With that image, I won't get wood for a week. Sheesh.
I assume they are referring to the "view offline"feature found under Settings—>Offline—>Enable Offline Mail for this computer...
And so if my new messages are missing, I'm supposed to know that how, precisely?
And how many years have we bitching about that particular "feature"? Heck, I'm proudly fanboi through-and-through, but always having to head for the bottom right corner seemed pretty throwback.
This almost made me tear up and throw away my Apple fanboi membership card. But then I gave it some thought and instead, I busted out the Dolfin short-shorts, the legwarmers and the neon rubber sunglasses and then danced, pranced and clapped in time to the music. Sigh.
Protip... Try to avoid speaking down to the audience as if they are idiots - the speaker comes off as a douche that way.
Heh. I still have the bag out in the garage. I suppose I should put it up on ebay...
Anon has an official "rep"? Nice. Next thing ya know they'll form a political party. Now THAT would be kewl.