
The whole run of the series is streaming right now on CBS, but it's not an intuitive find: Ya gotta dig around a bit to find it. Last night I just stumbled across the episode "The Slaver Weapon", written by Larry Niven whereupon the ST:TOS universe merges with Niven's Tales Of Known Space universe. Nerdgasm!!

OK, that's all good, thx Netflix. But what about the animated series? Jeez, get to the good stuff, willya?

I think I just downloaded into my tunic.

OK, that's cool, but where did ya get all those episodes to start with?

Umm, yeah, that's the point I was making: I copy text from Word into Notepad or TextEdit specifically to REMOVE the funky Word formatting, then I reformat the text in a controllable, predicatable fashion using the page layout tool of my choice, because that's what I do for a living. Sorry, it's got nothing to do with

Agreed: Word totally sucks the poo out of a monkeys's bum, and I've felt that way since at least 1990. I open it long enough to steal the keystrokes, paste it into TextEdit/Notepad to strip out all the hidden whiz-bang formatting codes and then move it into something - ANYTHING- else to do real work with the words.

"able to tell what kind of music you like based on how you look"

yay maggotbrain frikkn awesome solo, twisted me as a kid and I stayed that way....

Jeez, like anybody watches Star Trek anymore.

I was going to go into a long-winded tirade, complete with specific examples and screenshots, just like I did the other day (until the whole thing got nuked by the new comment system, frackin' awesome thankyouverymuch), so I'll boil it down to this: The new site sucks the poo out of a monkey's ass.

C'mon guys: It wasn't broke. Don't fix it. Edit: Major comment system fail. All of my wonderful venting, poof, she is gone. Nothing but the closing line shows. Lovely.

Thank you. I couldn't have said it any better myself and will probably cut-n-paste this comment verbatim as my feedback on the new layout.

"SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Consuming Taco Bell by ANYONE may result in rectal injury, premature turds, explosive diarrhea and/or stigmata.Women who are or think they may be pregnant should not touch, smell, or look at any item served at Taco Bell as instantaneous miscarriage may occur."

@mcdj: Yup, that's why I said "BFD".

Synchronicity: Just a moment ago, I put Instagram on my phone. Yeah, I know, BFD, but the Universe truly DOES work in mysterious ways.

@Derfel: Yeah, those ETFs can be a bitch. I ended with with an extra line on my family plan and it was cheaper to just let the phone sit unused for $10/mo than to cancel the line. Ended up selling the unused line back to my ex, so now I get to pay $60 less a month in spousal support. Epic.