That is actually very comforting to hear. I was disappointed when Dick went back to being Nightwing. It felt right. If it happens again, I don't think it will have the same magic. Is that what people said about the previous time?
That is actually very comforting to hear. I was disappointed when Dick went back to being Nightwing. It felt right. If it happens again, I don't think it will have the same magic. Is that what people said about the previous time?
I think this is a great idea! If I do start a thread, I always feel as if it's my own small you're validating that feeling! Awesome.
Step vewwwy cawefully, I'm hunting hiwdwoids!
Oh definintely, and any attempt at making a "more realer-er" version would just be a poor imitation. We don't need to go to extremes and have a surreal, Arkham Asylum graphic novel or a campy Adam West, but we need to get away from motorcycle ninja after 'Rises' is over. He's going to have to start doing some Captain…
Thanks! I have to admit that Dick Grayson is my favorite character, so I'm not being 100% objective. But, I think the reason so many people reject the idea is that people automatically think we're going to have a whiny little kid in pixie boots. I don't think he should be 10, but I don't think he should be Chris…
I think it's time to do justice to the origin of Robin. That way we don't have to spend a whole movie going over the new Batman's origin, we can just get a few flashback scenes when Bruce is consoling Dick. Batman can show up on screen fully formed and we can learn about this new version slowly through the training of…
Hook these guys up with the guys that did that Snake Eyes one that got featured here.
I'm thinking that he's actually out fighting crime as his power trip instead of wrestling, and his actions directly lead to the Uncle Ben incident (as opposed to failing to act)? That would be an interesting twist.
It was specifically the Nazi flag, not just a manji. Blade the Immortal this kid was not.
It took a long time to warm-up to MGO. But once I got CQCEX, waiting in a box, sneaking up behind a team, choking one of them while using him as a shield and picking the others off...that goes right up there among my great gaming moments. Also, I decked-out my guy to look just like Akiba so it was even better when I…
Is that Abingdon (sp?) Boys School? Oh, nvm, just saw it in the credits. Still worth saying they did one of my favorite theme songs of all time for Darker Than Black. They totally capture everything great about self-indulgent anime in the tradition of the greats of the 80's and 90's.
*SPOILERS* I guess? So it was supposed to be a queen? The only thing is that it wasn't the same planet as the originals. Was that alien depicted on the mural as a warning that if the Engineers went down the wrong path, it could result in that type of monster? Was that the ultimate goal to keep sending humans back…
Seems appropriate. Shocked no one beat me to it!
Ono-san doesn't have to make Street Fighter anymore.
Nailed it, Annalee. It felt like they focused on making an "important" movie and the details got lost.
That also took me right out of the demo. When you're preparing to enter a fantasy world of nondescript time, place, or history and then you get hit with the immediately recognizable AK and the glass Coke bottle? The whole rest of the time I just thought about those things instead of being fully invested.
I used to feel a bit proud of myself playing through the FF series. Now it makes me physically ill and tense thinking about ever playing the 13's to 100% completion.
Yes. Although I really enjoyed XIII and XIII-2's battle systems, the more I played, the more I wished for a freaking second to stop and take a breath. Constantly switching between paradigms was thrilling and cinematic (what they were after), but exhausting. I like ATB, but there's so much shit flying around…
Who are The Patriots? Oh, wait...wrong game. I'm so excited for ACIII, though. I have the flipping EMPTY BOX.