
Thinking about Robin now, as an adult(ish), it just seems completely irresponsible. But as a kid, reading my "Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told" TPB, there's a story where Robin has to get out of a trap completely on his own with like a tennis racquet and whatever else was lying around, and it really made an

The ground pattern made my eyes freak out at 2:57-3:00. Otherwise, pretty awesome! Crazy how sound effects make everything more convincing...right now it looks like the car is made out of rubber when it gets hit.

Thanks, I can see why. I can't stop watching it! I think it's the speed at which it floats away.

Haha np. With both RDR and AC there came a point where I had to say "fuck it." Some things aren't meant to be. I own at least three different versions of SFIV, all of which will never be 100% because I value my sanity.

Yeah, but it took a couple of weeks off and on. I would get so close only to get foiled, rage-quit, and not play for a day or two.

Second what chozo said. As someone who bought most of the DLC as it came out (d'oh), I would totally recommend buying the GOTY. The campaign is great, but relatively short. The extra content will keep you plenty busy and any excuse to keep using Arkham's combat system is welcome.

Is that two different clips sown together, or is Bugs really sawing-off Florida? Either way, this is so perfect.


Nice, I like SAS! I'm guessing they went with "playstation" instead of "sony" because of the third party characters they're including?

Suggestions for "colloquialism" version of the title:

James was like my hermanito.

It could be something. Maybe turn "Infinities" into an ongoing series. In the meantime, I'm just going to keep pretending that the Ewoks don't exist and RotJ was the last SW.

I've actually been thinking lately, against my better judgement, that a Star Wars saga reboot could be incredible. Obviously in someone else's hands. It could take the route that Empire was originally setting up, with Leia NOT being the other Skywalker, and explore the other what-if's (Han's sacrifice, etc.). Plus,

Ofersure! I finally got around to friending you after that. It's been awhile since I got to talk positively about Star Wars :)

Sorry I kind of went off there...I was definitely riffing last night.

Definitely. Once Joseph Campbell was out of the picture, it was just a matter of time I suppose.

I can't help but agree with you, evidence mounts more and more over the years. I have a book from when the Smithsonian hosted the SW exhibit called "Star Wars: The Magic of Myth" that details all of the historical and fictional influences on the original trilogy. It makes me sad.

Yeah, I know. I mean, it's not like Yoda was really going to deny him the training anyway. Obi-wan is a ghost and Yoda is 900ish, Luke is already there and SPOILER ALERT Leia's not any younger with even less training.

That is a really interesting angle! A lot of the prequel trilogy makes zero sense. That would make things a lot darker, to have the audience doubt his sanity more than those of us who saw the originals first. It would make Luke's training have a lot more tension, as you wouldn't even be confident that Yoda could

I think that, if anything, this video showed that Empire had it right the first time. There are hardly any changes, and the ones demonstrated only take away from the gravitas IMO. I did think it improved the prequel lines, though.