
That's awesome! Definitely refreshing. When I went to see John Carter I was pretty worried about the state of affairs, as I was one of maybe 30 people max on a Friday night. Haha I also had to sit up in the front, sorry you had to experience the mind-numbing SHAKY CAM up close. There were times I had to just tune

Thanks! Yeah I should really get around to that now. I was afraid that I would be disappointed if I read it too soon before seeing the movie. I think I'll actually enjoy the book more now.

Just wanted to say that the theatre I went to was sold-out for the 8pm's and 9pm's and completely packed at the 10:15 show! Lots of dates, wide range of ages. Everyone was cheering for Katniss the whole time and everyone left the theatre talking over different plot points or "how long would you make it," etc. It's

Yeah, I also was a warrior and expected what we ultimately got in 2 with the button presses dictating each swing. It did always bother me that I was silent during conversation, but in battle I was a screaming maniac.

I'm with you. I can't dismiss 2 because there actually were so many great improvements to the battle system that, for me, make it hard to go back to Origins. Also, I grew attached to almost all of the party in 2 whereas I felt at least 3 Origins characters were disposable. It also really bugged me that I couldn't

I have to admit that previous to learning about getting a perfect "galactic readiness" level, I did not care at all about multi. So, I did halt my single player story to check it out. Now that I have, I'm so glad I did. I've only encountered 1 or 2 angry people so far. Most people have been really cool and willing

That was hard for me to type, because I love channel 101 and I can't help but be grateful that he helped bring that into existance...but some of his remarks there in the past about Hollywood kind of soured me. So, I was genuinely trying to help, not just being a smart-ass :)

Don't go to channel 101.

I feel like this guy when I'm at work.

This just made my day. It's like Cowboy Bebop, Lupin, and Cyborg 009 all rolled into one!

Most of the endings I've gotten so far are bizarre and explain pretty much next to nothing. I wish there were more in-game graphics cinematics like the "Fight Your Rival" intros. I had the same complaint about SFIV. It's just weird for the sake of being weird, I guess.

It's awesome, just saying, holy crap that is intense.

Um...that clone wars clip was freaking scary. If I saw that as a kid, I think I would freak out. Quivering spider legs? Insane laughter? That snake things gets its neck broken and thrown on a fire? Who is this show for?

"El Sexo Fuerte," or, my new pseudonym.

I haven't been following what system this is for, so I started getting really excited, and's on the Wii. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

It definitely has to be in the right context. A game like this, with a raging-so-hard-it-hurts protagonist, totally fits. Especially if the makers present you with the option and you're actually rewarded. Maybe you don't want to sit and hear the explanation of the 8 whatevers, but you still want to see something

Moss AND Phoenix Stryker? Yes, please.

Reading through the comments, this game seems to be pretty polarizing. I never knew!

We should have included this in our message:

You have 1 new message from UNKNOWN NUMBER. "Delete."