Young Funkenstein

Yes, it is. When I was just out of college (the same university that Perry attended, in fact), I worked for the campaign of a Democrat running against Rick Perry. A very small portion of my work involved political espionage, in which I would go to Rick Perry events with a recording device to try to catch him saying

Seriously, baby, I can prescribe anything I want!

There is a Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, TX that has a large model of Noah's Ark inside. They have a bunch of plastic animals inside the model, and these plastic models include dinosaurs. Yes, they believe that dinosaurs were present on Noah's Ark.

An Inconvenient Truth 2: Carbon Boogaloo


I think it may depend on where in Texas this guy is from. Texans have a long and storied history of mispronouncing Spanish words and names. Like, if this guy is from Amarillo, that pronunciation may seem correct to him. Hell, even in Austin we have streets that are widely mispronounced (Guadalupe St, pronounced

True dat.

The Magnolia Mud from Magnolia Cafe is one of the most perfect dishes ever. It's black beans and avocado chunks covered with a generous layer of queso, sprinkled with pico de gallo, and served with tortilla chips. I spent many a late after bar night chowing down on that stuff.

I had been hearing for a few years from so many people about how I totally had to check out Ready Player One, because I would so love it and it is totally up my alley and blah blah blah. I finally read it while traveling for business earlier this year, and I would now like to go back and kick every single one of those

All roads lead to WalMart. FOREVER.

His own pickled dick? Did he sell it to the polar bear?

Scaramucci! Scaramucci! Will you do the covfefe?

I certainly didn't know what "the chicks'll cream" or "it's a real pussy wagon" meant when I was six years old, but I sang the shit out of "Greased Lightning."

Yes, there are several phrases in "Greased Lightning" alone that are R-rated, and yet I remember singing along with them on my sister's LP soundtrack back in the day.

That truck knows what it did.

Needs more racist robots.

The new voice of Kermit the Frog? That's right you guessed it… Frank Stallone.

Good job, or great job?

Yep, if it's good enough for a dumpster, it's good enough for me!

There's a novel by Paolo Bacigalupi called The Water Knife that somewhat predicts this. It occurs roughly 50 years in the future and describes how the US will disintegrate into a bunch of states fighting over water rights. Texas gets the shaft big time. It's not his best novel, but worth a read.