Young Funkenstein

For shame, Dustin Diamond! I expected so much more nuance from the guy who played Screech!

Church sucks. Period.

The best Bible verse for memorization if you are a young kid who hates Sunday School also happens to be the best response to what many of these so-called Christians are doing in the name of Christ these days:

That's because you suck.

That's because you suck.

I'm not.

I'm not.

I'm not.

Here's to all you fine people. I have been here under different guises for many many years, have met and conversed with many great people, some in person. There are two songs I would play for you all if I could, but I can instead leave them here as Youtube links.

Here's to all you fine people. I have been here under different guises for many many years, have met and conversed with many great people, some in person. There are two songs I would play for you all if I could, but I can instead leave them here as Youtube links.

God. I was flying to Hawaii a few years ago, and the free TV thing on the plane kept playing Mulaney over and over over again. It was horrible. I unplugged the headphones, and even without sound it was painful to watch.

I do!

Will do, Vanilla Ice!

Philip Seymour Hoffman could still play Steve Bannon, although they would have to ugly Hoffman up a bit…

Stone Mountain in Georgia is impressive to see in person (they even do a little laser light show that animates the racists carved into the rock), but I would have no problem if they dynamited the damn thing.

BUT HER EMAILS, you see.

Who is?

One of whom is now the First Lady. What a sad, sad world we live in.

That was the most racist episode of Naked and Afraid ever!

Oh, Rob Schneider, how your career has fallen!