Trump is obviously a Gorg. He finds them highly relatable.
Trump is obviously a Gorg. He finds them highly relatable.
That's what she said… about you… using cock.
**casually strolls over to corner, whistling nonchalantly, then stealthily punches the "Dancin' In The Streets" video in the face, then violently curb stomps it to death**
I would actually watch this.
Is Lewinsky interning again?
Can I go now?
Billy Crystal has not-so-slowly morphed into Judge Sandy “Some Nonsense” Whistleton from With Bob and David.
You must be really fun at parties.
Followed by: "You gonna do somethin' or just stand there and bleed?"
Johnny Tyler: Is something on your mind?
Wyatt Earp: Just want to let you know you're sittin' in my chair.
Johnny Tyler: Is that a fact?
Wyatt Earp: Yeah, it's a fact.
Johnny Tyler: Well, for a man who don't go heeled you run your mouth kind of reckless, don't you?
Wyatt Earp: No need to go heeled to get the bulge on a tub…
A pox on you for forgetting Billy Zane at his most hammy!
I have not yet begun to defile myself.
Such an underrated movie. It had some flaws, but Costner was as good in it as he's ever been. I think it suffered from being Eastwood's directorial followup to the near perfect Unforgiven, but still a great film that deserves more acclaim than it has received.
I saw it with a theater full of old people, none of whom had apparently read the book. The screen goes black at the end of his speech and the credits come up, and the whole crowd lets out a groan of outrage (no laughter that I recall). I hear relentless complaining about the ending ("What ending? There was no…
One thing I noticed is how charming Hoffman makes Dodd. I could completely understand him holding sway over a cult of people. Then on the other hand, I have seen video of L. Ron Hubbard, and he comes off as such a weasely, repulsive man that I have no idea how he managed it.
You gimme the jibblies.
Dude, her Assassin's Creed III cosplay is on point!
Wrong. It's a raw Trump Steak™. But it was made in China, so partial credit.
All from an NFL team, no doubt.