Young Funkenstein

Swept Away 3: Look Who's Sweeping Now!

I don't like eel, but not because of the texture. To me, it has a "muddy" taste that just doesn't do it for me. Catfish can be like that too, although some is good. Maybe it has to do with how the filet is cleaned .

My mother in-law is kind of like this. She survives on a very limited number of items, the main staples of her diet being ice cream, avocado, sweet potatoes, and Ensure. She'll occasionally eat something like scallops or chicken breast, but in very miniscule amounts. I think her issue is more related to textures and

HUGE excitement for the new Wrens album. I nearly messed myself last week when Charles announced that it would be due in September or October. Of course, it has been 14 years since The Meadowlands, with lots and lots of updates and delays and pushbacks and health issues, so who knows (their tagline on their website


*imagines Satan doing a Mr. Burns-style "Excellent!" while drumming his fingers together*

I want to be called "Loretta."

"Let's write the name in gold so he can't refuse it!"

He'll just do it. He doesn't even ask.

No thanks, I've already got a wife, amirite, fellas?

I got four (fer realz).

It does not. It is a reference to Old King Cole, who I must assume was Nat King Cole's father. And a merry old soul was he, reportedly.


Said no one ever.

It can be two things.

You know, watching that video again, I think that is likely a drawing that a fan gave to her. Throughout her show, she interacts directly with audience members that strike her fancy, and she also randomly brings people up on stage with her. I'll bet she saw someone holding up that drawing and either brought them

I saw her in Austin about two weeks ago. The backdrop behind her has various things projected on it during the show, beginning with a large picture of her eyes. From the front, it gives the effect of looking at a huge picture frame, but from the sides, it just looks… weird. At times, the backdrop raises to reveal

Waaaay ahead of you there, cupcake!

Hoohoohahaha, they don't care whose toes they step on!

The OK Gatsby
Reasonable Expectations
The Inevitable Mr. Limpet