Young Funkenstein

Beatles, eh? Ah, yes, I seem to remember their off-key caterwauling on the old Sullivan show. What was Ed thinking?

Wrong. It was actually a greater national tragedy than 9/11. NEVER FORGET.

To be fair, Buckley was unarmed.

Yeah, Brazil will not recover from the devastation that Michael Phelps caused for decades. He wiped out entire bloodlines in some villages. Someone should really change that rule.

"So he was all 'We've already got one,' and I was all, 'Whatever.'"

It wasn't a legitimate robbery. The male body has a way of shutting those down.

Wait, I got confused. Are we talking about your dog here or Ryan Lochte?

I liked it, and I also hate myself for it.

Wookiees were absolutely perfected in whichever crappy prequel that was where they swung on vines and did Tarzan yells. What else do you need, you vultures??



*head explodes*

And who is that strange woman creeping about behind the yellow wallpaper? She must be freed!

While I did finish it (and have even re-watched it at least once), I completely agree with you. And what I find even more baffling is the seemingly across the board praise Tom Cruise gets for that movie, mostly because I guess blind people could not recognize him in a bald cap and glasses. "Haha, the most famous

His character of Don Roritor in Brain Candy is a direct impersonation of Lorne Michaels. Not sure that would have played well on SNL…

Man, I have seen some forced puns in my lifetime, but that one… was bad.

Yeah, "once."

Thanks for the exposition there, Yoda. Very necessary for you to spell it out for us like that.

I am sure that Will Ferrell is tired of signing pictures of whatever the hell the drummer's name from RHCP is.

Or when Jack Lemmon had to sign Jack Lennon's picture, and he was all like, "Who the hell is Jack Lennon?"