Young Funkenstein

Ugh. I know a girl who thinks that movie is the most hilarious thing ever. She sat me down and tried to make me watch it with her on at least one occasion. I don't think I made it more than 15 minutes in before bailing.

Hodor had a long-standing case of PTSD.

Tiny hands, though. Sad.

That's just… odd.

And a surprisingly competent nu metal group!

A vegetarian who didn't eat vegetables other than potatoes? Does that mean she only ate potatoes and nothing else? Was she Irish?

Heh heh, good line though.

Same. Although I live in Texas, so my vote doesn't really count anyway. My state will be delivered for Trump regardless.

Stop being reasonable, Scrawler! The internet commands you!


You mean "Monster Speak News Broadcasting COOOOOKIE!!!"

I'll See You In Court, Internet!

I really hope that people leave the entirety of the blue tang population alone. I have it on good authority that the blue tang clan ain't nothin' to fuck with.

Jeff Goldblum should totally appear in the Westworld reboot, but he should reprise his silent Tricycle Man character from Nashville, riding around on his dumb bike and doing magic tricks.

Arya is clearly a mutant with the rapid healing factor of Wolverine and Sabretooth. C'mon, it all makes sense! Her brother is a warg with the ability to control animals like Magneto's daughter Nina. And her older sister is freakin' Jean Grey! Game of Thrones is just medieval X-Men!

She sure did knock over a lot of fruit! I was all like, "Yeah! Take that, fruit! Nature's candy, my foot!"

Except for all of the dead ones.

I just read an article this morning where a little 2 year old boy was dragged into a lagoon by an alligator at a Disney resort outside Orlando last night and has not been recovered. I was like, "Okay, God or Allah or whatever, let's ease up on Orlando a little bit, mkay?"

So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you'd say.

Brasky used to ride upon a steed, perchance to spy a lady. He once punched a hole in a cow just so he could see who was coming up the road.