Young Funkenstein

I wouldn't say it stinks. There are still some really good songs on it, just wouldn't call it "essential" compared to some of his better solo stuff. It's certainly worth a listen if you can track it down.

I would add Dog in the Sand to the essential pile and remove The Cult of Ray. I might also add Honeycomb to the essential pile, but nothing else after Dog in the Sand qualifies.

I heard "Your Best American Girl" on the radio a couple of weeks ago and was immediately drawn in by the heavy, shoegazey chorus. I shared the song on Facebook, and one of my friends pointed out some melodic similarities to "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus. Despite that unfavorable comparison, I still like the song a

Chip did not get enough hugs as a child.

Joanna seems to barely tolerate Chip at times, but Chip does not seem to mind. He is too busy eating bugs.


It would be a quicker answer if you asked which member of the AV Club commenting crew is not this guy.

Ted Cruz does a spot-on "impression" of the Zodiac Killer!

That was actually Sean Young. In BOTH costumes.

Did you even read the article? Or the headline, at least? Boy, are you going to be disappointed come October!

Do you even know what you're typing anymore, Lobsters?

Thanks for the update, Kevin Smith.

Sounds like we've grown up, Fart Machine.

I don't know what was wrong with me in college. I liked Phish and went to a few shows, but today I find their music absolutely unlistenable.

No! No! Don't stop a-rockin'!

Formerly known as the Church of Satan. They wanted a name that sounded more evil.

Khal Ripken II, holder of the record for most consecutive Games (of Thrones) played.

Jenna Von Oy

Brad Renfro

Rudyard Kipling.