
So basically, they're like Street Fighter games?

Still hate it. Everything about this design defies common sense. Big, floating header? Oversized, cluttered text? For a site that consists of a lot of reading, why would you make a design that's not optimal for that in any way?

Those were the most frightening motherfucking books ever. I remember EVERYONE in elementary school would be racing to check out a copy of it and then in class we'd all get a circle and squirm at the creepy ass drawings. Good times.

Well the layout just recently dropped, so give a few days before people start making designs that can actually function with the site.

It's times like these where becomes extremely valuable.

I don't get it. Why mess with a layout that was perfectly fine and replace it with something so hopelessly plain and generic looking?


Holy shit, what's with this emergence of anti-90s hipsters?

Further evidence that James Franco is, in fact, God.

So basically, you're deeming the entire context of the whole thing that makes it all sensible because you want to be offended.

Seriously, ONE OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS IS A PROBABLE RAPIST. And yet blackface is the line?

And here we have somebody who's unable to separate characters from actors and writers. The whole joke is they're a bunch of fucking idiots doing reprehensible things.

I just love how Mac would do something that fucks up the blackface makeup just for the sake of doing a shower scene with a bunch of guys.

I thought Mac and Charlie White Trash was one of their best episodes, but you're right, it starts off really slow. I'd say it straps on a rocket ship after Who Got Dee Pregnant, though. Every episode after that was an A+ IMO.

"…Worst Bar in Philadelphia" might be my favorite episode in the whole series. The entire concept of the episode is classic Sunny and like you said, the ridiculous escalation is hilarious. That's one of the go-to episodes I'd watch with someone who's new to the show.

Uh…I think you're reading too much into it. Mac was just exhibiting his usual closet gay behavior and made Dennis uncomfortable.

Season 5 is definitely the season that got it really popular. Season 6 is weird - it's the most praised season by critics and the most successful one ratings-wise, yet it gets hated by most longtime fans. I think that season was more newcomer friendly and watered down, though I enjoyed it, especially the second half

Nah, it was the same deal as Charlie - the placebos gave him confidence in his intelligence and it made him actually study hard.

When I heard they were writing an episode I immediately assumed Dennis/Dee incest.

Yeah, I pretty much had the reaction that was likely going through Charlie's head: "What did he ever see in that bitch, anyway?"