cars entering trucks and no mention of knight rider?!?!?!?!
cars entering trucks and no mention of knight rider?!?!?!?!
I believe with TSA Precheck and Clear they only ask you for a boarding pass.
I could explain the rabbit hole which connected the dots to arriving at this video, but instead, just enjoy
Jail? what makes you think she’s not guilty of something?
yeah, but nipple shifters are great fun for motor boating.
It includes all the FAA required engineering, testing, etc...
couple thoughts...
That’s a great point. I bet they spend more than the typical ‘home’ fan, too. If they’re from LA, that’s the one game a year they go to, so maybe they splurge on seats, concessions, etc. If they’re in from out of town, they’re definitly spending more.
Who plans and packs, to get stranded. Sounds exhausting.
You are so grounded, mister.
Now go to your room and think about what you’ve done.
No dessert for you!
I don’t care if all your other friends are doing it.
In this house, we do things different
New York City would like a word with you.
allow ties during the regular season.
....driveshaft fracture, courtesy of some grease left off during assembly...
Oh, right, those rooms are probably already full of other projects. Wouldn’t want to get parts mixed up.
Yeah, but your mom does?
eh, i’ve had worse
Honda and Lexus could use this option
Adam Schefter is about as much of a reporter as Charly Caruso.
This is your irony.
This is your irony on drugs
Any questions?