
How ticks get away with it

thought he had one of these in his hand?

So what are the groups?

(Disclaimer, we ordered the grilled chicken version; there’s also a fried cutlet option.)

what are the odds...

Make it a 5 season HBO tv show?

Rishik Gandhasri, Erin Howard, Saketh Sundar, Shruthika Padhy, Sohum Sukhatankar, Abhijay Kodali, Christopher Serrao and Rohan Raja

It’s hardly a secret that we really like the [INSERT COOL VEHICLE HERE] around here. It’s also not really a secret that [INSERT COMPANY HERE] is having a hard time moving units of the [INSERT COOL VEHICLE HERE].

not to be all highlight-truther, but I’m not convinced they’re editing department didn’t copy and paste a bunch of throws and receptions with some blurring in between.  The ball is seldom always in-frame.  just saying.


its cool

they’d have a worse looking 2012 Mazda3.

sir, i’m going to need you to use the bathroom at the rear of the plane.

seems obvious in hindsight

particularly awful considering red and black are probably the most popular tattoo colors. could have done 3 playing cards, hearts, diamonds, blood....

i’m sure this has been addressed before...but would anyone notice this thing without the wrap?

Now playing

second only to 2Pac being in Digital Underground.

the nice emblem on the plastic tray and the mismatched doors are wonderfully italian.

Been wondering why this is such a surprise. Universities have always relaxed standards for legacy kids. I’m more surprised at how shockingly stupid these kids must be that they couldn’t get in by deferring financial aid. Most of the places on the list (maybe not Harvard) will let you in if you pay full tuition.