
He also had 12 other BMWs stored in the parking lot of the company he worked for.

the NYPD, New York State Police, the DEA, Homeland Security, and eight other goddamn agencies assisted in the year-long investigation into the —- six —-fake Uber driving drug dealers. SIX!

i’d prefer that to having my knees jammed against the backseat.

eh, i’d wait till the election is over

i’ve got a weaker take: it was an accident. sucks. caps will still blow it.

is this like a subtle sponsored ad? aren’t we beyond these obviously disingenuous curated pinterest lifestyle blogs. i mean who caries 26" of screens, 15 pens and no sketchbook

Is Gordon Hayward Good Enough To Give The Warriors Some Trouble?

If you’re a top-20 pick, where’s the value in playing

lean meat is the sign of delusion. canola oil must be a sign of dementia.

Why shouldn’t someone take on the Big Time Sneaker Brands

Bears: The New Browns

I’ve come to the conclusion that english is his second language. Not that he has a first, just that the number of adjectives used is on par with a 8th grade foreign language student.

What’s wrong with this photo?

Thought the exact same thing. Clear, concise, rational thinking. Right up until i read the following as a reason to watch the entire draft:

the same people who go to rest stops?

never been to a C&C. who are the people watching and filming the exiting cars? are they groupies who couldn’t get into the show?

not sure, but if you’re being chauffeured i’d bet on 0%. 

malls are going out of business left and right. seems like a good place to start.

Hope they acquired the company that puts the juice in the bags at least.

this says more about the 43 (as of now) NP’s