
fascinated by the venn diagram plotting those who can afford a 75-100k car, pokemon go players, people who publish incriminating evidence of themselves.

The worst of the modern NFL teams would destroy the any of the classic teams.

jellyfish: the mosquitoes of the sea

Ray Anderson’s stages of grief...schefter, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.

could blend the intent of adequate man with life hacker. Kind of like a beginners guide to being an adult.

what is the speed threshold? i ride to/from work, 4 miles each way, and it might record 1k, which probably accounts for slowing for stop signs and hills.

Eight years ago, there were roughly 80 gas stations in Manhattan. These days, that number has dropped to about 50, reports Curbed.

Someone must be able to write a plugin which replaces all the images on the site with this gif

Reporters are, as a rule, the most poorly dressed group of human beings on earth

she’s not right, but i’d be a hypocrite for calling the cops. i’ve definitely been in the back of one of these on short trips.

people who let their dogs lick the inside of their mouths

/puts on cynic hat more of this?

I started to feel like I was attempting to report something that did not need reporting in the first place.

Should have called his bluff by suggesting Loomis donate to a widow of his choosing.

Not exactly the bar for ethics. I just expect more from RBG. She’s above this and if she wanted to punch down, she could have eloquently eviscerated him. Now he’s got another talking point.

This is really perplexing. Last week, if you told me RGB took a shot at Trump, i’d imagine it would be an incredibly well thought out piece that could change minds. This is sloppy for someone of her standing and intellect, and doesn’t do much for the good of the world. It just gives him another talking point.

not quite related but a helpful odometer psa: i rented from an airport Hertz this past weekend and got hit with a $20 charge for not providing a gas receipt. Apparently, if you drive less than 50 miles you need a receipt to prove you filled it up.

would be way better with engine/wind noise. or even a camera/mic in a passenger seat.

Aren’t you supposed to assume people don’t see you, whether in a car or on a bike? You’re right, he could have easily just let off the throttle. She’s clueless but he made the situation worse.