
Except the reality is that traditional taxis aren’t really any less affordable than ubers/lyfts.

When this orange carnival barker was elected, I thought that we could survive four years of him. We’re slowly getting to the tipping point though, and like you said we’ll be climbing out of this hole for a long time. If he gets re-elected, and there’s a 50/50 or greater chance of it, that will be the end of this

I suspect a large chunk of that is doing the bidding of companies that don’t exactly relish the idea of less fuel being consumed.

As a tire specialist for over twenty years, I can’t agree with the article more. For so many reasons.

Wow, I thought this was absolutely socially verboten everywhere. Occasionally I’ll see a princess pull this crap, but most people either:

The “Thoughts and Prayer” IPA will actually be non-alcoholic.

Now playing

Leads? I’ll check with my boys down at the crime lab. We’ve got guys working in shifts!

I’m pretty sure your BEV won’t use much while ... cough ... idling

Florida is actually a pretty good place for a study because it’s hot as balls and full of impatient people from the Northeast. What more could you want in terms of entitled people who can’t bother to leave their A/C for 30 seconds to walk across the blacktop?

The number of people that will willingly sit in a line of 12 cars at a drive-thru, versus parking and walking in, is astounding.

Yeah, nope. You said, exactly: “your in for $6900 on a vehicle worth $5k”.

I’m pretty sure that's not how math works.

I was going say - isn’t this a textbook case of hoarding? I feel bad for the man involved,  not his collection of what are largely junk cars. 

I’ve tried to work with a few crazy old people like this, I met with a dude whose restaurant has been for sale forever (and will be until he kicks it, I assume).

but I am not going to

Let me offer the perspective of someone who went there two years ago, about a week after the first article was published, in the effort to buy his grey 16v scirocco:

I called him wednesday that week to ask if he still had it. he said he did. we negotiated a price of $800 and i told him I would be there between 1-2pm on

I have long dealt with having to limit the size of my collections of various objects, so Ron’s story hits home with me. In so many ways I feel bad for him. It has to hurt to see these vehicles go away..

IMO he’s either a not-great collector or a not-to-bad hoarder. It really dances the line. Lots of his stuff seemed to be stored decently and he presumably actually enjoyed the items, so on some level he was maintaining a collection. But some of it wasn’t so he clearly had too much still.

I think this this ticks just over into “collector” given that most of them were sheltered and appear fairly well-preserved. The hoarders generally leave them outside to rot. 

I’ll chime in on the “collector” side of the debate this time. Obviously not the kind of collector who has staff to keep things shiny and help with driving around in them on a regular basis, but a lot of these cars look as though they were nice examples to begin with and then got halfway decent storage.