Maybe I’m alone in this...but originally I assumed Jimmy Pesto hired flier guy to prank Bob, but maybe I was giving Pesto too much credit?
Maybe I’m alone in this...but originally I assumed Jimmy Pesto hired flier guy to prank Bob, but maybe I was giving Pesto too much credit?
So did Scorpio Slasher (who also does disembowelments) get returned to his cell or is he running around loose now?
“Hey Fiona! Your investment with us is about to pay off big, so what if I just pay you the principal to buy you out, so I can make a profit, and you are back to what you started off with, having effectively loaned us money interest free!? Isn’t that great!”
Agreed. I really don’t need this to more than dumb fun, especially how well it’s filmed and directed. I have a guilty pleasure spot open now that Z Nation is cancelled.
I really enjoyed the pilot and I’m looking forward to the synergy between this and The Magicians when it returns next week.
I’ve mostly enjoyed the comic book series, and I’m interested to see the show tackle the headier parts of it. I think the cast is pretty good. Lana Condor and María Gabriela de Faría, in particular, are the easy stars of the show. I hope it eases off the “edgey” approach a bit, but I’m not looking for high art…
Most of the reviews have been pointing out that it doesn’t get beyond dumb, glossy-looking fun in subsequent episodes either. And you know what? I have space in my brain for non-cerebral stuff like that as well. Loved the pilot and am excited for what comes next. Should it get smarter down the line, it’ll only be an…
“I’m gonna recommend Fleetwood Mac to all my friends!”
It’s only two episodes but this is a perfect example of how the same aesthetic, mood, and themes can be great to replicate as long as you have a good and compelling story. I don’t care if it “feels” like season 1 as long as it’s good and not a carbon copy.
Oh that’s what they were singing. I know only a handful of Fleetwood Mac songs and thought this was an original song entitled “You Make Plumbing Fun”.
Enough can’t be said for the credits having Bob and Gene singing of You Make Lovin’ Fun after a low key Fleetwood Mac joke throughout the show. We take this show’s musical numbers for granted.
The entire tone may be familiar, the Southern setting similar to the first season, the lurid crime and sketchy characters beautifully cast, but damn does it not pull you in.
I mean they were already mocking the Marxist box in this episode. How did the author miss that?
because the reviewer was too busy going on political rants to actually recap the show
Amazon isn’t a monopoly in the economic, legal, or even laymen sense of the word. They control approximately 5% of the retail market and have only hovered around 50% of the online retail market in recent years. To use your own example, Standard Oil, an actual monopoly, controlled 90% of the refined oil market in the…
Monopolies are the natural outcome of unregulated capitalism. To separate the two is naive. We’ve seen this before in the early 20th century and increasingly again lately.
Once again, this reviewer sees what appears to be a left leaning arc, latches on to it and completely misses the point. This episode was not “anti-capitalist,” it was anti-monopolist. It showed the dangers of what happens when a company becomes too big to fail and had a parasitic relationship with its employees who…
Bezos’ look and way he communicates are based on the aliens from the original Star Trek pilot, “The Cage”.
A little less than 20 years ago, a still-finding-its-legs South Park aired a memorable episode called “Gnomes,” which focused both on the omnipresence of Starbucks Coffee (named Harbucks in the episode), as well as little gnomes that steal your underpants in the night, with their ultimate goal being “profit.” That…
“Outlander seems desperate to tell a story about race and colonialism and yet can’t quite get a strong grasp on the conflict.”