
I stand with Jameela. And given our relative heights, I probably make a perfect elbow rest.

Her legacy will be weird and authentic. God, I love that woman.

Yup, a National Treasure. Don’t squander it, y’all.

Dear NFL players,

an apology and offered a $100 gift card

Before RiRi, Bey wore the mesh ski mask on the initial On The Run tour in 2014.

Alright now.

I just wish you had added “mediocre white men” in there somewhere lol. It just seems like its always them that get further faster than they should. I had a coworker (white) that got promoted the same time as I did. Even though he started with the company half a year after me. I guess he worked hard enough to get

“Every Nigga Is A Star”...on a sash...

He fucked with the wrong ones Illadephia does not get down like that... I can’t wait for Kap’s suit to get wrapped up so he can collect all of the checks.

stop annoying me with your off brand cheese snacks please. theyre not as good as flamin hot cheetos and no i dont have to try them to know that.

22 year old raver me is pissed this didn’t happen in 1994. What took them so long?!

22 year old raver me is pissed this didn’t happen in 1994. What took them so long?!

Like....I guess I get it? They kept the ruling reeeal narrow because Colorado’s review was deemed to not acted impartially, which is important to uphold. My understanding is that the guy refused to sell them a cake, he just refused to make a custom cake. So, cool, OK. I understand that the ruling isn’t technically