
Unfortunately for him, the bus broke down in between bigotry stops

I think her brother and sister are super mad that their father got with a Black woman after being with their mother. And then their half-Black sister having the nerve to become an actress and marry an actual prince! How dare she!

Right to Work state with no public unions and At Will employment. Good luck and godspeed, teachers, but don’t expect any real change. The GOP would much rather push through that fat tax cut for the rich than fund education.

Sasha Obama was hung out with cardi b and offset confirming that she is the person I always thought she was.

“But because space is limited, roping off 25% of the seats for disadvantaged kids means that 25% of the current students will be forced to attend a different, likely worse performing school.

I’ve been thinking about this scene a lot today and I am glad to start seeing more talking about it. A couple things I took from it:

8. Try Not to Invite Your Black Friend to Some Event Where They Find Out They’re the Only Black Person There.

somebody send this to that dude who keeps telling us he has a Black wife

Killmonger was probably the best realized and understandable villains in the MCU. I’d say it’s probably in the top three for me. The first Iron Man because it set the tone for the universe and CA: Winter Soldier because it broke away from formula and was a paranoid 70’s spy movie. Black Panther had women who were


It’s equally interesting to see constant denials and equivocations from white and middle eastern people denying the obvious African Ancestry and blackness of historical figures. Are they black in the american sense? Absolutely not which no one is claiming. But it’s weird to read texts with people being described with

Hoda Kotb, an actual Egyptian, with Beyonce colored skin, looking at that sculpture of a woman who looks more at home in the kale section of Whole Foods than in Egypt was priceless.

Princes sister is on some weird shit. She invited Timberlake to Paisley Park to perform this week. Even got a liquor license for the party (Paisley Park was dry when Prince was alive). Totally disrespectful to his memory. I hope he haunts tf out of Timberlake.

thank you, exactly. prince vocally disrespected JT years ago and JT never forgives/never forgets.

This was very good. I’m on the fence about the costume (Jefferson, it’s still Parliament, no matter how many LEDs you put on it) and I’m a sucker for “old heroes out of retirement” tales. The Pierces have incredible chemistry with each other and it’s just a joy to see a superhero with a successful, interesting and

Do NOT😂 do Jerome like that! 😂😂😂😂😂 Don’t you have fun when Jerome is in the house. I say Jerome, in the house. Ok! Sorry. Lol, Martin Lawrence took ova my mind😂😂😂

This lady’s smarter than the rest of us who are still trying to make it work with living men

Now playing

I’m just a little disappointed, actually — like when I was 10 or 12 and I learned that my favorite Sesame Street bit was a Billy Idol parody:

Finally a nice, happy story! Normally I don’t care one way or the other about celebs relationships, but goddamn. I needed this. I hope they have many happy years together.