
There was a time post Lupita N’Yongo’s Oscar win, we’re talking weeks here, that blind gossip items were talking on and on about how she was a flash in the pan, a one hit wonder, difficult, etc. Then when The Force Awakens happened there were more blind items about how she couldn’t act, the green screen was killing

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Re-upping the fact that David Carr recognized Vice for their bullshit several years ago.

As far as impact on our country goes, the Civil War stands above every other conflict except maybe WWII.

Still gonna disagree. You picked the most flattering pic of Driver because

While I’m glad a Legion moment made it on the list, I’m still partial to the pilot’s opening sequence.

If they don’t invite his orange ass he’ll just throw a campaign rally in Mississippi or some place at the same time and claim he turned down an invite to be with his people instead.

But if Harry really wanted to be petty he’d invite the Obamas and Tiffany.

Even without that, Danny Rand’s personality was grating. I think Finn Jones just needs to be given a more fun take on the character for it to be better at this point.

Phase 1: Give all the money to the rich by ruining our tax system.

I am awaiting the Twitter shitstorm snit-fit when the Obamas are invited to the wedding and the Trumps are still banned from the UK. It’s gonna be glorious.

Look at Mike Pence, eagerly calculating how many more days Donald has to live before dying of a massive heart attack or stroke.

This is related; my roommate’s room doesn’t have a door.

He’s an elderly idiot who was raised by a Klansman and mentored by Roy Cohn, the only person objectively worse than a Klansman. Of course he believes racist conspiracy theories.

GOOD. As I said on another post. This is lovely and nice and we all NEED THIS.

Sort of related........about 10 years ago my darling husband interviewed Jeremy Piven over lunch in LA for a “Celebrity Profile” in a big glossy mag. Anyway....JPiv mocked & criticized husband the entire time...commenting on his appearance, how he was eating & his speech patterns. Not sexual in nature, but the

He has to resign:

We have to hold ourselves and our side to a higher standard. Otherwise we will never raise the bar: only lower it. Especially now, right now, in this very moment.

“As a yogi..” Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Go fuck yourself Simmons. Perhaps he’s like the Bikram yoga guy who assaulted women under the guise of enlightenment.

I love Rashida. I bet Pixar was overwhelmed with relief when they started reading, but then she hit them with that last sentence like: