
Aww poor Mindy. She’s actually the most honest and upfront of any of them. This doesn’t make her a great person, but totally reliable.

You cannot eat anybody’s chittlings. Period.

This is almost up there with the people that try and compare having pets to having children.

The Knowles family has been w/that church since 1992 - when it opened.

No, it’s apologism.

So you missed the part where Twitter coming for him FORCED him to open his doors? Or the part where he says himself that he wouldn’t open the church as a shelter until the other shelters were full... AFTER Twitter came for him for not being open? Did you miss how he had to admit that the church was NOT flooded,

Same as it ever was...

A man who’s going to bounce will do it no matter what you name the kid.

Because they simultaneously convince themselves that they’re right, and that they’re simply giving voice to uncomfortable truths.

I’ve heard a lot of well-meaning white people talk about how we should ignore the Nazis or make fun of them and I’m just shaking my head in disbelief.

It seems to me that WNED’s ass is chafed mostly over the supposed Netflix deal, since they were supposed to be the only ones able to make new episodes for television. So the real question is, is Netflix “digital” or is it TV? Despite its successful foray and subsequent domination of the television world in recent

Exactly my point!

Resistance Thread:

I am so here for a new Aaron McGruder series.

I would generally say that any person who brings up IQ “differences between people” is trying to justify their racism with a misunderstanding of social science.

I hate that this kid is being set up to be exploited before he finishes middle school. Where are the academic scholarships for kids in middle school? No where because no one is paying a fucking dime to see anyone study.

Someone needs to find those horcruxes right now. I bet Ivanka is one.

Hell yeah, good for you. Fuck that job.