
"Poor Targeting System: The Force and its derivatives are often the most addictive part of The Force Unleashed. But getting a force lock-on and then getting things to go where you want isn't entirely flawless. At times you can grab anything with a flick of a trigger, but other times it's just impossible to do a force

Fuck Diablo 3, I want SC2! Its been 10 damn years since SC, come on Blizzard give us a damn break!

@ShirtGuyDom: He torrents. I'm in a similar position with 3 hdds that add up to 2TB and only 300 gigs left. :(

@Thassodar: Hell yeah socket 939! And I happen to have an SLI mobo for it too with a pair of 7800 GT's.

@vid3oman64: Nintendo is being rewarded for making casual games. Games that are easy to pick up on and cover a subject matter that the mainstream can readily enjoy. What you are describing are hardcore games, something Nintendo hasn't released since Metroid Prime 3.

@EmeraldDragon: There are a lot of gamer games that can be casual as well. Such as TF2 or COD:4. You can hop on a server and play 1 or 2 matches and then leave or you could stay for 4-5 hours. TF2 especially appeals to a lot of my nongamer friends mostly due to the art style and the just silly shit that goes on in it.

SecuROM is the reason I didn't buy Bioshock until a few weeks ago when it was $15 on steam (a version that is draconian drm free!). I reformat my computer a lot and I should not be punished for doing that.

TheHeartless's comment FTW! Sad thing is I bet all 3 of those games come out. Gotta love Nintendo for turning their loyal fans into cynical bastards...

shooters, rts's

WOOT! Just in time for me to give my brand new ATI 4870 something to play! Oh and its time to go visit 2 of my old friends, the Spy and the Sniper. God this is going to be fun.

@ps3master: May the banhammer fall with great justice upon your fanboy head.

Mario Teaches Sniping would be amazing. That can be Shiggy's long awaited Halo type game.

Wow the backburner is ridiculous sounding, you get crits if your hitting the guy in the back plus extra hp. For people who are good at pyro now, the lack of air blast is nothing.

6 weeks. Extended vacation.

@Icharius: There's a reason the term console tard exists.

@muscrat_01: Yeah 3 year old console hardware is going to run Crysis and look as good as a great pc setup.

@Mech_Master: Compared to Japan, we are the saviors of hardcore gaming.

Perhaps someone should show him last month's NPD numbers...

Mario Kart was impressive as well, since it came out the same week as GTAIV. I guess gamers just love their blue shells.

@MattB: I can tell you what I bought and I would consider myself a typical hardcore gamer. Twilight Princess, Excite Truck, Red Steel (later sold), Wii Play, Metroid Prime 3, Resident Evil 4, Smash Bros, No More Heroes, Madden 08, and Guitar Hero 3.