
@asliceofbacon: Because all the hot girls are on the dance team. The cheerleading squad is where the uglies/fatties go.

I can see Tiger nailing the blond in the tanktop in the background. The hosebags with the signs? Not so much.

@Mit: Use the command mm_max_search (the console will fill out the entire command for you) in console and set a numerical value for what the max ping you want from a server. Then when you start a game from lobby, the matchmaker will search for a server that meets your ping parameters. Official Dedicated tend to have

@Chris Hanson's Axe: The two red zone picks were his fault in the San Fransisco game, but mostly he has absolutely no support.

IW just made it really easy to make my gaming choice for the fall. Now I'm just buying Borderlands and L4D2. Thanks IW! #infinityward

@ExtraEdge: Everything that's on regular ESPN in terms of sporting events is on ESPN360, except for the NFL. The NFL is horrific when it comes to locking down the rights to their games.

As a Bears fan I can't agree more with #2. Fuck the 85 Bears. I'm tired of hearing members of that team on the radio, seeing their ugly faces on TV and seeing ads for Mike Ditka Resorts on buses. They make the 72 Dolphins look humble.

@nworobes: Blast Assist is very easy with a kritzkrieg. Find a good soldier on a full Dustbowl server and send him loose. I've gotten at least 5 medics that achievement without even going for it, its just that easy when you hit with 4 crit rockets.

@AxelMinami: The original L4D characters were representations of different parts of society, the new cast seems to be a representation of a single part of society.

"As far as I know nobody out there hates the Pyro."

@Befitzero: Have you enjoyed being killed by a weapon that you have no clear path to acquiring? I sure haven't.

@Brine: I did that for 16 hours, all I got was another axtinguisher.

@breadtruck: I beg to differ. You can play sniper in a way that it helps the team, however most people hide in the back of their base and only help themselves. Killing enemy medics, heavies, soldiers, and engineers helps the team a lot.

@Artie Fufkin: Thats fine, playoff games are at night anyway

@Kougeru Matsuoka: Left 4 Dead is only scary on Expert since zombies do 20 damage per hit and tanks absolutely rape the survivors. I usually pub rape with 3 friends in VS anyway, which is not scary at all since you can take down an entire horde with one autoshotgun clip.

@Nexus6: meanwhile Epic updated UT3 for the PC to support steamworks, added 50 achievements, a new mutator, and new maps. All for free over Steam, oh and they had a sale where the game was 12 bucks. Not bad at all. Seems they just like fleecing console gamers.

@cowondinosaur: Alltalk servers are a blast with an all friends game. The lag issues are the biggest problem with L4D servers. That an idiot admins who setup campaign servers that are joined by vs mode games.

Main reason for Japan's turnaround? Having MLB players. Ichiro didn't stop playing for the Mariners just because of the Olympics, just like none of the US MLB players played in the Olympics.

@LlamaNL: 9:20 central time. Talk about Valve time...

Why are the Wiimakes for Metroid Prime 1 + 2 coming out in Japan first? I was under the impression Japanese gamers disliked the GameCube versions.