My Bunn B makes pretty good coffee but I know better than to give it wi-fi access. Last time it got online it sent racist e-mails to all the GR White models at Lowe’s.
My Bunn B makes pretty good coffee but I know better than to give it wi-fi access. Last time it got online it sent racist e-mails to all the GR White models at Lowe’s.
I had similar experiences with an older car years ago, but now not so much. 5 minutes in, electronic form submitted, tax and registration payed for the same day (NC). My father on the other hand never got a renewal notice for his Thunderbird for 3 years running and was pulled for having an expired tag. The car is not…
All of these things are true, as I learned through actually trying to sell an old car and buy new. But the absolute truest thing is that dealer financing will almost always offer the lowest interest rate. I tried to ask my bank to help with mine after getting an offer of 7% from one dealer (that were blatantly trying…
I would humbly add “not drinking champagne before playing with a McLaren” to that list (in European terms, not sloshing your tallywogger ‘fore a jolly ripsnorter).
Jesus can drive on water though, that has to be incredibly useful. And he turned one tank of gas into five!
“the car would be hella better if only they used the Wankel rotary.”
didn’t this get posted last year?
God knows they won’t make it selling games.
There are a lot of people that think he’s actually reviewing the cars, and they hate him. He made the videos specifically to piss those people off and the other 50% of his viewers love him for it. Which car review is best car review?
Mine too! They get away with it because there isn’t another one for 250 miles. When I was looking for a new car these had just shipped and the only one in the city was listed at 35k... love my Impreza.
That’s the dilemma a gold Taurus sedan faced, and decided to hard-break. The problem was we were in a tropical storm in a lane locked turn, so the person behind him hydroplaned right into his ass. You’re correct, it was a new Mustang, Mr. Taurus driver.
When your mother screams at you to do something it gets your attention. The exact opposite happens to me when I’m driving a car, though. Brakes are for quitters.
Can someone send him an ER list of broken penile cartilage patients? He isn’t completely wrong but there are unfortunate exceptions to everything.
I consider a car “fun” when I drive it and have a stupid grin on my face the entire time. The last twin-turbo sports car I got in, for instance. A car that is “fun for me at least” is a little more lenient.
I know it’s annoying and all, but when there’s precedent for a device with a handheld heating coil exploding during use, it’s more justifiable to me than banning one-inch nail clippers.
My Cadillac is best Cadillac because it’s really a yacht.