W. Chump and Sons is a great car dealership name.
W. Chump and Sons is a great car dealership name.
BBQ sauce has tomato product in it, but also normally contains molasses. I know an unopened jar of it can last over seven years with some oxidation.
“You do not want sand in there.” - Fred Smoot
If I hadn’t made a solemn, blood-bound oath to never buy a GM product again it might be a good deal.
Even if they bought me a Chrysler I’d still drive my Subaru to work. God I hate Chryslers.
If he was even remotely patient he would have just used the dry lane to the left like all the other drivers.
They are sometimes. If you get one of the most abundant molecules on the planet on a lithium polymer battery it ignites with an unstoppable fury. Look up some stories about how the military handles used radio batteries. At least gasoline just has hazardous vapors.
He looks like a lesbian architecture professor.
Yellow cake, he loves yellow cake. I think he’s more of a fried PBJ Banana guy.
Change the car to a Scion and it’s downtown San Francisco, 2012.
Automatic sharpeners make me cringe, period. They will destroy a good knife edge. If you use one stre is correct, they sharpen at a fixed angle that is only appropriate for Western knives with the same bevel as the sharpener. Most people don’t have the time or interest in learning to sharpen with stones but if you use…
Automatic sharpeners make me cringe, period. They will destroy a good knife edge. If you use one stre is correct,…
Infallible means without failings.
Forge from X-Men on Marvel’s side, Cyborg on D.C.’s side, and an honorable mention to Magneto for being able to completely disassemble the car without tools.
Some of our more controversial presidents have actually enjoyed being peed on, which is in itself an unusual standard but one I support.
Yeah, I’m imagining red lasers and a green fog over that gif and it’s pretty close.
It’s a car advertisement that loops in a room in the Ferrari sales offices.
My first thought, except it was really when we should have started adopting the technology. Going over all the trends in my head, things like UTEs and fugly crossovers that sell like mad now were all laughed at in the US. Poor Subaru Baja, it took until your company killed small wagons for people to want you back.
This is what I’m anticipating as well. It would be stupid to compete with the next production from the previous cast on a different channel so they’ve changed the format. The people that stopped watching Top Gear because it got too silly means they would already have a decent following.
There are days where the rainbow squirts would be vastly preferable to traffic in this city. At least I’d be trading almost getting into accidents every 150 feet with accidents I can plan around.