Pushing it to its limits seems like something that would require an empty airport tarmac. Good pick by Tavarish this time.
Pushing it to its limits seems like something that would require an empty airport tarmac. Good pick by Tavarish this time.
Well it’s a good thing car brakes aren’t covered by the Second Amendment or this would be the shitstorm of the century.
I was expecting this to be an organ donor story from the headline.
I inexplicably had two neighbors both buy Eos convertibles at the same time. One lasted a month, the other about 3 before they disappeared. Shockingly, I have two neighbors that also have Azteks (and I’m convinced they are lowering property values) that at least still run. I looked at them when I was in the market for…
If he doesn’t calm down he’ll have a heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack, he ought to know by now.
I know 18 lesbians and they all drive Toyotas. I even went to Denver, all the Subarus were Outbacks with these big plants in the back and guys in toques.
3rd: At last, lawyers have found a foolproof way to get auto manufacturers to stop putting navigation systems in all their cars.
The Subaru rental car makes her a progressive? If she was in an F-150 instead would this have been a political skirmish?
I thought the best part was “They spotted him the next day at a Billy Joel concert and arrested him”
600 BHP in one of these things is pretty silly. All dick waving aside only 2% of these will ever use half of that engine and they will probably be the review models. I thought SUV’s were losing popularity as well, are the design departments at these “classic” auto makers so rigid that it really takes them two decades…
I vehemently disagree with this sentiment. I didn’t know how to repair plumbing, wire outlets, replace siding, etc. until I bought a run-down condo and realized how simple some of the jobs really were. It is much more satisfying to fix something yourself and it will save you massive headaches from setting up…
They invoke separate forms of laughter.
Leading with your helmet into the back of an unprotected person is a great way to kill him. They both just ruined a lot more than their football careers.
Was he wearing the douchey fedora during the interview?
I did not know this existed when I started formulating my answer. Usually because the word “Mini” makes me skip uncontrollably through auto news.
For an extra 50 grand they will kill the surplus marsupial clones and cover the seats with their leather.
I would not be happy about an official claiming I was just going too fast during a race. That’s dangerously close to assigning blame without any evidence.
Is there such a thing as an 850i with no electrical problems?
1. Holy crap, Scion is hemmoraging sales. I guess the nauseating hipster marketing effort is not working out. Also, 617 people actually bought a Smart car this year.
Pretty sure you posted the wrong picture, this is what a Bugatti looks like: