
You know how you scroll through things sometimes and you read it wrong, but your brain makes it make some sort of sense, and then you scroll back, and find yourself rather disappointed that it does not say “Elden Ring player beats game by only wanking.”

I felt the first one was just about the right length. It was just starting to wear out its welcome, but then decided to finish up before I started getting annoyed by it.
 I really hope they’re putting in enough variety to justify what sounds like a much longer game. I’m pretty tired of game bloat these days. 

He’ll beat it, he’ll use it to galvanize his base that everything is unfair and there’s a conspiracy against him and Real Americans. He’ll ride it back into the White House.
I hope this isn’t true, but I really hope they are absolutely POSITIVE they’ll get a conviction if they’re starting this, because I fear it will

I’m loving it so far (in chapter 14), EXCEPT the hitboxes for Regeneradors is so tiny now, and they move so fast, they’re not fun at all to fight. It feels almost bugged, and I hope they patch it. I loved fighting them in the original, but now it’s tedious.
 But that aside, it’s really fun and I look forward to

I did the “convert 3 years of Live to GamePass Ultimate for $1" 3 years ago, and now it’s expired. Does your trick still work?

It’s just physics. Imagine the momentum a speeding Gynethh, packed to the brim with jade eggs, would have.

This pleases me. Disney Star Wars has its problems, sure (and its successes!), but they are not problems that can be solved by Lindelof.

Existed, as in “made to exist”. They wrote the script and now the movie can be existed. In only a few days!

I don’t imagine they have the budget for Buff Natalie Portman after Thor, but I bet she would completely change how well Abby is received.

Haha. I’d pay just to see a table read with Druckman and Carano.

My son and I had the same thought, but I imagine there are additional rules here that will probably not be addressed. Perhaps it’s that you must engage in combat with someone yielding the darksaber and defeat them. The Grebus (as we called it :P ) didn’t fight Mando wielding the saber, nor did they wield it against

Non-humans are non-people, you woke-disney shills!

There was a dead dog in a trap, I believe... :(
Overall, I’m thinking what they mean by “no cut content” is that no overall section is cut, but individual rooms, events, etc, will be reworked. We’ve already seen this from the beginning area (which feels more like the entry to the village in Village than the original

They had an easier out that being in the tubes in RE5 (that also changed her hair colour) affected her aging process, rather than fall back on the T-virus infection, but whatever.

I’m still pretty convinced that the ‘blonde in the tube’ in RE5 was going to be Sherry when they originally showed that image, and decided

Is it weird... or consistent?

I’m still playing as the Inkling. :P

I dunno if I’d consider Denji an ‘incel’. He’s only 16, and he spent his time prior being abused by yakuza to pay off his father’s debts. He is extremely horny, sure, but he makes friends, and is mostly respectful (outside of some light sexual harassment :-/ ) of his female coworkers.

If it’s Bayonetta I’ll... I’ll start dressing like Bayonetta. No wait, that’s hardly an incentive. If it’s not Bayonetta, I’ll dress like Bayonetta.

Samus would be cool too.

They did remake Siren 1 as Blood Curse (and I think it hits the highlights but is somewhat simplified), but yeah, it would be nice to get the original redone in a more... playable fashion (give me easy mode like in 2! I loved the story and atmosphere, but cannot do stealth games)

Super stoked for this game. Love the series, and this has been a most-wanted game for me for... oh god.. 15 years.
 And yeah, I’m an old anime pervert, so I’ll probably have fun with the incongruous costumes. at least they’re bonuses, although I wish there were more silly costumes in addition to the sexy ones. The