
The latest spin I’ve been seeing is that this is now “the Blue State Bailout Bill” because most money is going to blue states because we locked down and lost the most money to the business.
I’m 99% sure this is entirely BS since traditionally, blue states contribute more to the federal pot than we take out, but are

They think the pot shouldn’t pay out for anything, and that they shouldn’t have to pay into the pot because it isn’t used to pay out anything. Basically want to keep all their money, since they think they can afford whatever might come their way, and screw everyone else.
 Very Christian >_>

We’ve got Mulberry Street and If i Ran the Zoo. They weren’t in heavy rotation compared to other Seuss books, but they were ok. The racist images were not appreciated, but they were so.. unnecessary. And I don’t think Seuss had the *intent* to be racist - he was just being a tone-deaf cartoonist of that time.
And that

My wife loves the Tagalongs. I can’t stand them.. the bland peanut butter, the thin waxy chocolate. I’m sure it’s because I grew up in Canada and am used to the Girl Guide cookies and have no childhood association with them. The lemon ones need to be more lemony. The rest are pretty good. I like cookies. I’m not too

Attack on Titan had nothing on Gate. The pro-military, pro-colonial views in that were off the chart, but I pretty much lost in when the Japanese military dude was lecturing his “fantasy realm”  comrades about how Japan would never allow their enemies to work in prostitution, let alone force them. 

One does tend to sweat in the desert.

Lolz were had and all, but goddammit, can’t we have a mature, reasonable set of politicians who just get shit done instead of all this crap?

And I’m for Covid relief (I would’ve been doling out more and more often), but I bet that bill is just chock full of absolutely bullshit that should’ve been in at least 3 other

His mom’s a voice actress. We were working with her when he called to tell her he got the Titus part. Good show too. She was really cool as well. 

No more Knacks?

Kidding on that one, but is a shame. I know the big-name directors like Toyama and Ueda left already, but there was still clearly a lot of talent in that studio. I was hoping they were developing some new ones to replace them.

I guess I’ll never get another Gravity Rush :(

Squenix releases demo.

If you have any search hints, I’d love to know. I searched Donald, Donald Duck, Snow, Snowball, Snow Fight, Snow Fort (they all take me to Olaf. haha). But if it’s looking for a specific title, I don’t know it. I found some Mickey shorts, but that’s about it.

Is there any talk of them putting all those old Donald Duck shorts on there? (Yeah, he doesn’t wear shorts. haha :P )  I really wanted to show my son a couple over the xmas holiday (Donald and nephews have a huge snowball fight, Donald fights Chip & Dale over Xmas tree).

“Ok, maybe there’s something UNDER the bottom of the barrel?”

That’s messed up. This’ll be an interesting story when it becomes public. I wonder where it’s going. I’d only be mildly surprised if it was a new studio made up of Hardsuit veterans...


Am I wrong in remembering a Roger Moore/James Bond episode? I’ve had it in my head my whole life he would knock the teeth out of the rats and use them for stunts. 

No Chun-Li? I guess this movie is... DOA....

Surprisingly, it will probably be green. After a night of drinking, I drank a whole pitcher of “purplesaurus rex” kool-aid, and the next morning, I thought i had exploded my liver and was pooping pure bile, but the internet reassured me that blue food dyes seem to come out green. Go figure.
Which reminds me - look up K

or less than the aforementioned RTX 2070 graphics card-only price ceiling”

2070? typo? or am I confused?

or less than the aforementioned RTX 2070 graphics card-only price ceiling”

2070? typo? or am I confused?

According to the nutrition label I found, an entire controller contains about 250g (over half a pound ! ) of sugar. the AHA recommends keeping your daily added sugar to less than 40g so yeah, you probably should feel like you’re dying.