
Wow! So the Fallout games are connected somehow?!

I like it a lot, but I too am feeling the fatigue. After over a hundred hours of playing it, the relative shallowness of the combat system kicks in. A game like Nioh kept me engaged with its combat longer than Odyssey (or Origins) did.

I am so close to starting this expansion. I’m level 46, finished my main odyssey, have like one Atlantis key thing left, and all the cultists remaining are level 50 so I jumped into the first blade stuff to level up so I could finish them off.

I’m hoping Blops 5 will be written as IIII

Benioff & Weiss’s career to date has been mostly spend adapting other people’s stories to screen. Benioff’s sole completely original credit was his first novel, The 25th Hour, which he lucked out in getting adapted as a movie by Spike Lee. Since then almost everything he’s done has been based on other work. Weiss’s

The last 2 seasons, they’ve been operating without GRRM’s material, and have completely dropped the ball. They are failing to explain motivations (why did Dany lose it and burn the city? The “seeing the red keep” excuse from after the thrones didn’t explain her rage well enough at all), constantly changing the rules

The golden ring of hell.

Oh brother... All the poor VFX artists slaving away in front of their computers from now until November working 22 hour days on the fucking Sonic The Hedgehog movie. It sounds like the lowest ring of hell.

It’s almost as if making racist comments and making light of Nazis will make you popular with racists...

Good that he said this, but he is more than a month and a half too late.

It’s the lesser-known Oohlookapennysaurus. 

It’s not even that he’s a white male. He’s so... bland.

Oh. Yah. Lookin’ forward to this new Jedi hero Generic McMannaquin Face.
Why are they so scared to make him even somewhat unique? 

I sub to his patreon, his art is tight. I loved his cover of The Steel Prince #3 and his Justice League Odyssey 6 cover

right, this is for environments, not animation. 

The narrator talking about humanity made me notice that there aren’t any people in this, probably for a reason.

This is the first of FIVE Splitscreens for the week. :)

Super Muro Bros on the last pic.

As much as I love this, I feel like it’s insulting Donkey Kong. I’m pretty sure even a gorilla can spell “hamburgers”.

Others have already said it better: “No fucking shit.”

The purchase of a game (or, really, a license) doesn’t entitle you to shit all over the people who made that game just because it doesn’t conform to your individual expectations.

It entitles you to voice your concerns, certainly, but not to issue threats, drop the