

On the whole: I think this really treads a line on just straight up plagiarism. I am inclined to say that this hasn’t been adapted enough to even warrant me liking this tribute, however it may fall into Fair Use and I am fine with that.

This guy’s interior and environment work is fuck’n ace. I am also a huge nerd for huge trees that just keep going and grow through everything.

I’ve begun ironically liking this song, and I am surprised. Also hopefully this remix will get him back on that Country charts.

You sound like you came right out of a Murakami novel, it really does.

If only they crack down this hard about people who were in possession of child pornography.

Ah, it seems like its a mixed bag, but at least an interesting one. I am saddened to hear that the environments confuse you in the open world, that happens to me often enough that it might burn me too hard on exploration.