
But in defense of paying the players, the fella on the right can’t even afford a jacket that could keep him warm!

GMs hate him! See how he upended the NBA with one simple trick!

Never under estimate the power of tree fiddy. #SouthPark

I’m looking at this image, and all I can think is:

“Tell ‘em I ain’t doing no unguarantees, I ain’t even gonna play myself no more” — Antonio Brown

Yo Jimmy! 

I wish my kids looked at me the way Thomas's does after being out of work for 11 months

I’ve given it to your mom plenty of times and she said it’s been more than sufficient

Honestly, any adult with a shred of sense will always cede a collectible to any nearby kid. For my part, the one time I caught a foul ball at a baseball game, seeing the look of glee on a nearby kid’s face when I tossed him the ball far surpassed going home with a stupid souvenir that I’d probably end up throwing out e

*Takes card to Applebee’s*

Buss is right. A coaching change now makes zero sense, as it won’t get them any closer to a title this year. Season’s end or early next season is the time to determine if Walton should stick around.

So I kept being confused reading this editorial, and I couldn’t decide how I felt. But then I realized that there’s a disconnect in this blog post, you use the word “undocumented” because it’s a hot-button word that will likely draw clickthroughs. But it seems to be wholly inaccurate based on the context of this

Smith retaliated on his show: “Carr has no excuse for the season he had had. You got Amari Cooper. You got Khalil Mack on defense. You got Bo Jackson running all over defenders. You got one of the best coaches on Earth in John Madden. The only reason the Raiders didn’t win the Dragon Ball is that David Carr done gave

Squats are probably an appropriate exercise with how much Carr has to pull himself off of the turf after a sack.

Don’t cry, Kanter. No matter what the Knicks do, there’s someone who will always want you.

If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”

I really like Antonio Brown. But he’s a little crazy and a little diva. Nothing false was said here.

In comic sans too.

Fair enough. Maybe “slang term” isn’t exactly the right way to put it, but (as I’m sure you know; we are on the internet, after all), “kill yourself” is a common retort in the shitty, gamer-influenced online parlance of our time, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s spent ample time gaming online.

I messed up ... I did not mean it literally and [I] regret using it so I apologize.”