I’m sure glad he didn’t call him Crocodile Dundee. We can’t have that kind of racism running rampant in the NBA.
I’m sure glad he didn’t call him Crocodile Dundee. We can’t have that kind of racism running rampant in the NBA.
So... you’re only defending him because you’re a fan of the team he’s on?
That chick doesn’t even know what’s going on. She’s just raising her hand because everyone else is.
It’d probably work a lot better if he plugged it in...
That’s exactly what I thought as well. Just doesn’t make sense.
What’s the scoop on Kevin Kelly?
Dear Black Mamba,
oh come on.. Don’t be THAT guy.
I just want to know if they’ll ever bring back that Wendy’s chipotle sauce.
He supports a system for another department. Not really my call to can his contract.
I just looked it up. No comic sans unfortunately.. He floats between different sizes of Arial and Calibri. It looks horrendous.
I regularly see this email signature from a contractor of ours...
What’s your deal? Just enjoy being a twat?
The eye roll before the question was even asked was fantastic. I wonder what other questions they asked him previously that brought on the annoyed response.
Come on guys, don’t lie... you would, right?
Or at least a Long Horn in his ass.
Report: Rob Robbed!
She’s one hell of a goalie.
and still lost...
I learned long ago (and far too late in life) that plain H2O does the trick. All of those teen years trying to use various soaps was a waste of time and detrimental to actually having clear skin.
You need to work on your reading comprehension skills, buddy.
Besides, he beat me in the next race because of some bullshit rocket launcher shot by Lightning McQueen in the closing seconds of the race.