
How so?  It’s a Steam Console that you can mod however you like.  

I always star my own posts. If I didn’t like it, I would have posted it in the first place.

You need a Steam account to use Steam, yes, but not to use a pc.

Needing a Steam account for it is just like needing a Facebook account for Oculus.

You’ve had the distinction patiently explained to you three times mate. This device is a PC. It is not locked to a Steam account. If you don’t believe Kotaku, maybe PC Gamer will convince you:

Those are the only upvotes he’s going to get with that dunderheaded line of reasoning he’s pushing.

I have to agree with the others, there’s a lot of difference. Also, are you really upvoting your own comments? That’s a bit shady.

I think one of us misread the article, because I’m pretty sure you can whack whatever OS on it and run whatever without an account.

It’s not at all the same, which several others have explained to you. Your comparison is epically bad, dude.

I’m sorry, but perhaps you should actually read why people are outraged by requiring a Facebook account for the Oculus, particularly when it wasn’t that way when you first bought.

There is a difference though, isn’t there? When you buy a console, you’re expected to enter their “ecosystem”. With Oculus, it wasn’t always owned by Facebook. And the promise Oculus made was that Facebook wasn’t going to get too involved, which was broken for obvious reasons. Steam devices fall into the former

I don’t see how this is that different than creating a Playstation, Nintendo, or Xbox account. Admittedly, I barely remember the set up process of those consoles, but I at least remember it coming up when I first started up these machines. The Facebook/Oculus is an issue because beforehand Oculus seemed to promise

Steam has needed a Steam account for 20 years to play games on Steam.. no idea what you even mean?

Needing a Steam account for it is just like needing a Facebook account for Oculus.

can you explain crypto and blockchain and mining to me like i’m five?

No one cares. All anyone wants is to mine “free” money or strike it rich on the stock market. All of this benign, betterment of banking for humanity is the utopia version that you crypto lovers like to sell as “the real reason we’re doing this” which is such utter horseshit.  

Funny how none of those cryptos are the big movers and shakers in town, thus meaning that the point the article makes is still utterly valid. As long as Bitcoin and Ethereum (and yes of course, Ethereum is just about to go Proof of Stake definitely any day now) are Proof of Work, this means nothing more than going

Won’t anyone think about the Crypto!

The problem is that most of us see crypto in all forms for the shady shit it is.