
Or they could just release all the same games in a slightly different manner minus the branding. Buck up little camper, it’ll all be okay.

“Virtual Console” is bullshit. It’s a name and nothing more. They’re still releasing NES games via their online service, additional games will likely come later, and they allow other companies to control their IP and release old games as they want and more importantly as collections instead of piecemeal which only

From what companies have said, even during the Wii’s peak Virtual Console didn’t sell well at all, even more so with the 3DS and Wii U.

A lot of companies hold information close to their chest, because of overreactions like this right here. Many have already pointed out VC is just a brand. This is simply not a meaningful announcement beyond a branding decision. Simmer down and deal with the facts you know? Don’t buy a product under the assumption it

The Best Friends’ “Sadness Quadrilogy”, soon to be Pentalogy, is something special.

Well I’m definitely not gonna play it but I’m really looking forward to the Best Friends Play LP.

CGA was like pre 86. EGA was pretty much what you got from 86-90. VGA was around before that but wasnt really standard until 89 or 90. They were very costly cards when new. The PC I got in 88 was $2500 with the monitor and had an EGA card, a 286 processor and a 20 megabyte hard drive. Still had 5.25 inch disks. 3.5

Slow down, Turbo. The term monkey when applied to humans is not inherently racist.

But yes, calling those with dark skin monkeys as a racial slur is a favorite pastime of the Germans.

Who the fuck is “you people?” People who find offensive things offensive? People who think you shouldn’t call another human a word that suggests they’re no better than a primate? He didn’t call the guy an asshole, or an idiot. He called him a really specific term, which, unless you’re referring to someone deftly

Theres’s a big difference between “insulting shit” and a racial slur. Unless you’re “inherently racist,” you don’t tend to say racist stuff at all, even when angry. Or if you DO find yourself saying racist stuff when angry and don’t consider yourself racist, you need to understand that the understandable perception is

Sorry, but that bullshit. Monkey is a racist term. Its even a specific racist term Germans use during soccer matches against anyone who is brown or black.

How in the world are these not called “Nook Boxes”?



He’s certainly got a shtick.

HumanAbyss is a delightful rabid badger of the I’M ALWAYS RIGHT variety. It’s an apt screen name.

Yep. You’re always totally interested in a “real conversation” and not at all just a dismissive snark machine who makes nitpick arguments until the other party/parties involved quit out of sheer exhaustion.

I like where your head is at but I’d prefer everyone just be nicer to each other.

Their heart is in the right place, but this is a poor way to go about it. I’ll be honest: if I was a bully I’d use this service constantly to bully others by claiming they were harassing me. I don’t think their vetting will be solid enough to weed out cases like this.