
It’s a stereotype of middle class white women in America who feel over entitled about every little thing, and if some aspect of their life is wrong in a ‘shopping’ setting, they’ll always make some ridiculous complaint and ask to speak to managers for not having their way, and/or feel attacked when corrected. These

What a thrill... Metal Gear Survive starts up a new co-op event on April 10th with rewards based on Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Beat up some nano-zombies and you could dress up like characters from a much better game.

Your analogy is completely ill-fitting. You can’t compare these things. Would you compare the Song Of Ice And Fire books to a car that doesn’t turn left? The most recent Star Wars trilogy to a car that doesn’t turn left? It’s fantasy fiction for goodness sake. It’s not a chunk of hardware that doesn’t work. Fiction

I love you.

I had it on good authority that Anita Sarkeesian was going to purge creativity from gaming, and that Donald Trump would keep the liberals from neutering my favorite pass time. I have literally no idea how that could have backfired on me. All I wanted was ethics in games journalism, I swear. Scout’s honor.

Blink if you need help.

That sounds like the kind of thing somebody says before getting slapped.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but your wife sounds difficult.

Similar to the bloody nose I got while trying to bring all of the groceries in from the car in one trip.

I’m also not in a feud with a 17 year old.

Seeing as it’s Japan? 16 more than likely.

So you play as a horny character and like a robot trying again and again to impress. But since the other has all the power you cannot get what you crave and only receive bad endings.

You can only be a ghost so many times

I live in Chicago. People from the flyover states just assume that I am murdered on a weekly basis.

So retailers have to be the ones to create and enforce such policies? If I understand you correctly.

So porn is fine to sell to a minor?

You realize there’s a big difference between saying violent video games will turn you into a mass-murdering psychopath and saying that depictions of women in video games should change, right?

Yeah, I totally agree (see my comments in the next thread). I think this Reddit thread is a sign that people are learning to understand what sexual assault really is — and that they are condemning it. Which is a definite step in the right direction. It's crucial that we are able to name and describe rape, rather than