
So the FBI got involved to “protect” Lochte but the Brazilian police is not trying to help them, and is instead trying to shake them down? GTFO.

If any of your dumbass scenarios are likely, then why did the FBI get involved and is also on the case? Is the FBI also trying to shake them down for money?

There’s a huge difference between not remembering the tiny details and “forgetting” whether somebody pointed a gun at your head.

They gave Larry 2 seasons before cancelling him.

From your mostly irrelevant and rambling comment, it’s crystal clear to me that your opinion is not informed by your blanket prejudice against Brazil as a country.

It’s extremely common in robbery cases for the victims to NOT call police? Is it common for them to tell their moms, who then speak to the media before the police hear one word about it? Really?

Why is not okay to blame Amy for employing him? It was okay to trash people who work for Woody Allen or go see his films.

The whole reason people have a problem with her is because she did not, in fact, fire the guy.

Glaring has nothing to do with it. If it is shaped like proper work attire, you have no business commenting on it. Unless the job is in fashion, making comments about someone’s appearance makes you look bad. Fat people don’t look good in most clothes, no matter what they choose. It’s unprofessional to make comments

Step 0: Wait on doing any of this or spending any money until at least a couple of weeks in.

Comment on silently in your head.

Thanks for letting us know. I guess it’s a good thing that police target you as a black person then. Thanks for doing your part to defy stereotypes.

Cosmo magazine? GTFO with your bullshit.

Was Hillary running for President for 30+ years since she’s been in politics? She’s been complaining about Republican attacks against her since forever, not since 2008.

I love how you assume that people who disagree with your interpretation of events must inevitably be teenagers, as if no reasonable person could raise an eyebrow at their dealings.

Is photography the only class they’re taking?

The Fed and Supreme Court aren’t elected positions? LOL. Sure.

Broaddick never said Hillary was a psychopath, just that she doesn’t think she’d make a good President.

You haven’t seen Hillary look cold or intimidating on tv? Really? I guess you watched different debates than I did because I definitely saw her her look rudely towards people who asked her questions from the audience several times. The Benghazi hearings are another. Any time she does a press conference (the few that

Funny, because Dilma Youssef, Angela Merkel, Margaret Thatcher, Kim Campbell, Janet Yellen, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, etc. all managed to have ambition.