
Couldn't stand Silas in Weeds. Other than the condom thing, I still can't pinpoint exactly why. Maybe just that the actor is that kind of pretty that's so bland and useless that it circles around to seeming like a giant crippling flaw and I just want to lay on him and smother him like a mother cat who just gave birth

I didn't care for Weekend, but this sounds amazing.

I love the Little Mermaid 70s anime, which is the one screen adaptation I've seen where she actually dies in the end as in the original story.

I haven't seen it since it came out, but I liked the sequel. Watching images of yourself doing all this evil shit you don't remember doing was a chilling take on demon possession.

Anything made by Eli Roth or James Han.

Nahhh. It Follows better than AGWHaN and Starry Eyes. Starry Eyes is a half-assed body horror film + a half-assed psychological horror film, and still fails to amount to a whole ass. AGWHaN is pretty and a little sad but not scary at all.

I agree; I loved the pool. It was the perfect culmination of the movie's two halves: the chilly terror of growing up + kid detectives a la 80s classics like The Goonies.

I loved Seance. It's nowhere near as creepy as Cure and Pulse—it could even be seen as a really, really black comedy—but it's very good.

The marketing of Blair Witch is just my favorite pop culture moment ever. Didn't that film's advertising essentially single-handedly invent the concept of something "going viral"? I was 12-13 at the time it came out, probably a little too old to actually be fooled by it, but I totally thought the whole thing was real.

Yeah, I liked As Above… I have no idea why people have such an issue with it. The imagery was brilliantly haunting (the piano, the telephone, the cultists, the burning car). It was far more interesting than cliche-quilts like The Conjuring.

Hopefully Rory grows up and stops being a piece of shit to her mother everyone.

The The sequence—which the director found a in a 16mm work print

Well just bristle the thistle of this Spotify trainwhistle and don't ever let its jackdaw damnations catch you ruminating on your fickle birdy reed-voice, instead corkscrew upward to the moon-dew and you'll find where your muse grew.

Pan's Labyrinth was a pretty joyless experience to me. I really liked the dreamworld visuals, but everything else about it just seemed so pointlessly bleak, like he wanted to do a subversive fairytale but couldn't figure out a way to make it meaningful. "This is a fairytale so the monsters will die and everyone will

To me, that sounds like it could just as easily be a reaction to environment. I've also read about studies where parents are more affectionate with their female children and hold them closer, even when they're infants.

I love Guy Maddin and I can't wait to watch this. I wish it were playing near me, but Atlanta's idea of arthouse cinema is Black Mass.

Yes, I love Joanna and PTA both, but this seems pretentious and greedy as fuck.

I don't know what you mean by "want to see." I don't really know much else about him. Also I love your screenname.

Sorkin just looks like an ass all around in this situation. First, he claims no one went into making a Hollywood film to get rich. Then, he cites Apple's fucked up labor policies, which apparently didn't bother him enough to not make a movie glorifying Steve Jobs?

I watched Tangerine and Der Samurai this weekend. The first depicts trans people with humor & heart, the second depicts trans people as the primal id within, ie. psychopathic Tyler Durden in a dress.